Saturday 13 November 2021

The Treadmill of 9 to 5

Or maybe it's more of a merry-go-round. One of our newbies screwed up big time (above my level of scope) but Boss Lady's current level of Insane Busy means I'll probably have to somehow deal with it. Three more new staff members start this week and their training will mostly fall on me. One of them has big limitations on their hours (why, why, why do we keep hiring these people?). Idiot Space Cadet staff member (you may remember her as Beryl who wants to fuck off and skip across a meadow) still won't shut up about her Idiot Lifestyle Choice, to the point where the whole staff wish she'd fuck off and head for that meadow, and it's affecting morale, just like everything else lately which is affecting morale. All makes me want to bang my head on a wall. And it makes me think about the fact that I earned 2 weeks' worth of extra pay last month which could potentially buy me two weeks of blissful unemployment...

I went back to the gym last night after staying away far too long. But as is now usually the case, I was already hurting somewhere before I arrived, and unsurprisingly I wasn't able to run. I did walk for half an hour instead. I also did ten minutes on the bike, and although it's easier than walking or running I could immediately tell that new muscles were waking up - so I stopped there, thinking that I didn't want to spend this morning in agony. Well I slept terribly and the muscles concerned are obviously unimpressed 😂

Annoying: the almost complete lack of protein in the work freebies.

Meh: I can always get salads and bread.

Silver Lining: I'm doing late shifts for the next three weeks so at least I can snap up the reduced meat.

Prediction: that I'll be eating a very boring rotation of very similar meals for the next three weeks. I'm terrible at proper dinners when I work lates (last night I ate a freebie sandwich on the way home from the gym).

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