Sunday 21 November 2021

Riverdance On My Roof

Do you see this picture? This is a representation of the sound going on above me as the roofers get started.

But at least it is happening, finally.

Work is going ok. It's sad that I'm only just getting to know a few of the old-newbies just as I'm going, because one of them is a quiet bright spark I could definitely have seen as being a good friend given time, and the other one has brilliant potential to progress. I've made a point of at least making this clear to the others so that they keep them in mind for more responsibility. Even Annoying Face listened to my advice on a few things (knock me over with a feather). I have promised to come to their Christmas party to make a brief appearance and I will bring Carebear along with me, who now has a new job as a carpenter.

My car's MOT is due and I'm hoping to get that booked in during my week of freedom. I also need to assess my wardrobe as I'm not sure that I have more than 2 or 3 suitable office-type work outfits which fit me. I might need to visit the charity shops to expand the options a little bit.

I have opened a new current bank account and activated the automated bank switching service... another easy £100 for about 30 minutes of work (I needed to move some direct debits for bills in order to qualify, so it took about ten days altogether to make it happen). It was a no-brainer since I was closing an old account with The Worst Bank In The World that I only opened to get an introductory bonus that is long-gone. There is another £100 switch offer still available for a different bank, for another couple of weeks, so I will look into that during my freedom week too.

Free things: allll the avocadoes. I usually forget to eat them, but at least they get a chance to be eaten. Also all the bread, most of which gets binned, and the salads that just never end. 

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