Monday 1 November 2021

Final Stretch?

We finally have movement on getting our building's roof replaced. There's a quote in place, a managing company in place, and a legal person making it all nice and tidy. The contingency fund doesn't quite cover the whole amount, so I'm in the process of redrawing some of the advance on my loan and will cover the rest of it by getting close to the bottom of my piggy bank. I will have to tighten my belt a bit for a while, but hey, it's a relief to see the end of the tunnel in sight. After this we should only have small amounts for completing the fire safety work, including electrical work for our automatic rooftop smoke vent and some new fire doors in the building.

The only remaining question really is the timing to complete it all. I'm kinda pondering whether to finish and sell this place and start again with the next one. I suppose that was my original intention, hoping to make a small profit each time, until I have a larger flat where I can let out a spare bedroom. I can't realistically sell until all the work is done (so that it isn't limited to cash buyers). So, I wait.

Tired. It's such a boring thing to keep noting, but I am. Work is a ridiculous circus. I have another job interview this week - haven't heard a peep from the last two which is a little bit depressing, so the mind skips ahead. Did they offer it to someone else and that person hasn't given them an answer yet? Or are they just slow? I've done no real research for this next interview which will probably show, but to be candid I am just not invested in job searching. It's funny to think that because I already have a job, even though I desperately want to get out, there is less motivation to move.

Did a stint as an Olio volunteer, collecting and listing surplus food for others to collect. I only had two people interested and it was a massive, time-consuming pile of bread and pastry that people don't tend to want. Not sure I will bother again. I also skipped the gym this week due to having no energy left in my tank. Disappointed in myself but I will use the opportunity to repeat the same week of the Couch to 5k and hopefully not feel like I'm struggling so much to complete it.

Stop press: Didn't get Position #2, the ambiguous one, which turned out to be manager role and which I didn't want anyway. Today's interview went ok. I answered most questions really well but sometimes rambled a lot. I don't think I'll be successful but it went better than expected. And boy, were the questions haaaard.

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