Monday 15 November 2021

Pre-emptive Kapow

But first the minutiae. Two staff isolating due to Covid and lack of immunity and Grace off sick with suspected Glandular Fever. Along with Boss Lady still running about fixing other stores, we're down to a skeleton crew. Making my next bit of news kind of shitty timing.

I'm jumping the gun here ever-so-slightly... but I got very interesting news this morning from an HR Lady, the one who interviewed me for Job #1. It turns out that they almost offered me Online Manager of their supermarket but ultimately decided it would be too much for me (fair, once they told me it's being revamped in the next few months) and they've offered me Café Manager instead. This has fewer peaks & troughs of hard work, becomes quieter in the winter, and is generally considered one of the starter management roles. I initially baulked as I didn't want to be cooking again full-time. But she assures me that my hands-on time will be minimal as I'll have mostly admin tasks to look after and their existing team leaders do run the show. The café there also includes their huge staff canteen. I will have a schedule of when I'm also in charge of the whole store (yikes!) and will sometimes also cover parts of the Customer Service Manager's role.

We are now just nutting out the salary before I give her an official yes. I asked for a bit more than I originally asked for as Online Manager 😂 figuring I had nothing to lose. She was just so positive and clearly set on me that even if they come back with a no to the amount I asked, I'll merrily accept the starting salary and stroll on over.

I gave notice to my own Boss Lady today. I have mixed feelings here. She admitted that she was gutted, but she didn't seem terribly surprised that I'm going. She was really interested and enthusiastic about my new role (which surprised me in a good way) and said that it sounded like it was more my thing than where I am (which surprised me in a... weird way). I told her I feel like a shit head, leaving right now, and she said yeah I'm a shit head, but don't be an arsehole for your last week. We had a good laugh. She has offered to be my personal referee going forward. It was only after I left that chat that I realised I should have offered the same to her. She's quite a brilliant person, a genuinely good person merely given way too much to do, currently burnt out and stressed out, and if she jumps ship, she deserves to really do well.

Suffice to say I was in a great mood today. Have told a few people. Trying not to tell the newbies during their first week! But obviously it'll be common knowledge pretty fast.

New record set: the amount of food on offer tonight was off the scale. It was £42.00 and when I scanned my staff card it became zero. I haven't brought this much free food home in a long time. But I won't have the opportunity again after next week so I grabbed anything that wasn't perishable.

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