Wednesday 24 November 2021

Have a Seat

Posed by model.
So I am really stupidly excited about an incredibly ugly freebie I got today. It sort of resembles this lovely example at the left (I am too lazy to clear a neat corner in order to take a photo of the actual chair). It is gloriously shiny red, sturdy, has a few scratches showing a pale crimson underneath and a few chips showing white beneath that. I have ideas about sanding it enough to paint it white (or pale green) and for it to be my dressing table chair, but who knows, I might leave it in its shiny red ugliness.

From the same house I also got a pair of matching navy metal folding chairs. And what's more they are neither rusted nor scratched to buggery. Score! The irony is that I didn't even care what colour (I was just vaguely thinking I'd like to get two chairs to go with my folding table) and now I quite like the idea of blue. 

Also today: a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates from Boss Lady to say thank you. ♥ 

Also posed by model.
A different model.
Currently cooking a roast, because that's what you do at midnight.

I have quit my gym as it won't really be practical to keep travelling there (it's close to old-work, which isn't all that close to me). There are two main contenders for Replacement Gym, one is well-equipped but costs a bit, and then there's Cheapy Gym which is bare bones, not very big and in the grounds of the college (it also has very limited hours). I'm still deciding. I asked them a few questions about their "free included classes" since they didn't see fit to actually say what they are. We will see.

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