Friday 19 November 2021

The Idiocy, It Does Not Stop Following Me

I have been training our three new hires. I shall call them Huey, Dewey and Louis.

Huey declined to come in tomorrow at 6am to cover a sick call because, and I quote, "I need to be home to tidy the living room for my mother." I apologised and said I didn't realise that he was a carer. He shook his head, said no, it was just his turn to tidy up before his mother left for work. I say, ok, can you start a couple of hours later? No, he couldn't, because tidying the living room takes a very long time and he will need to straighten up the chairs. I gave up at that point because this kid clearly has no concept that his excuse sounds stupid to begin with.

Dewey has told me that he will not be available on any days before 12pm, as he needs to stay home and look after the house. I assumed that meant he had a neurotic dog, but it turns out he has a rabbit. Which apparently cares if it's alone and will... I don't know, destroy the house? Disturb neighbours? Then he got chatty later on and remarked how much better this job is than his last one because they used to make him start at 5am and this one is flexible and he can work at times to suit him. (Well I've got news for him. I quietly put him on the rota for next 7am next Tuesday. Essentially because staying home to care for your rabbit is bullshit. And also that it's stupid to be telling the person who manages the rota that you can work whenever it pleases you, when you're one week into a brand new job.)

Louis is normal. Well, featuring relatively high on a scale of normal. Louis successfully memorises every procedure but is blunt, rude, and doesn't seem aware that manners exist (much less possess any himself). I have so far found him very receptive to pointers unless he has already been told, at which point he cuts me off mid-sentence to say he knows. He also barks at customers without using hello, please or have a nice day. I just sigh... I've at least taught him to say, "Thank you for waiting" when there's a long queue. It's a start. I will now attempt to stop him from touching his hair non-stop. He's wearing about half a tub of Brylcreem by the look of it, followed by teasing it into an affectation of I Stuck My Finger In A Power Point. As in, greasy and sticking up everywhere. I inwardly will him to wash his hands the second he touches it, which is often.

Just ugh. Grace almost burst into tears when she heard I was leaving. Grabbed her phone to call her mum whom she thought might also cry despite having never met me, merely because she has apparently always gone home and told her mum that work was good today because I was there. I love Grace, I'm going to miss her. x

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