Wednesday 3 November 2021

I Tried Smiling...

I think it's working. We've got the go-ahead on the roof replacement, and I am paying 7.4% instead of a 10%, because I've got the smallest flat. (Under the past management everything was charged under equal shares. Proportional charging would be fairer.) I have redrawn from my loan, ouch, there goes £1,100.

The scaffolding goes up in a few days. Now since the ridiculous politics and fighting has been so childish among the directors and leaseholders I am holding my breath. Fortunately, the two that are steering it are the Good Guys and I just need the idiots to pipe down and let people get on with things.

Still waiting to hear back from Job #1, the one that I think I'd actually like. They are at least keeping me in the loop and are still deciding. Still think I probably won't get it, but the chances are better than for Job #3.

Went to the gym today after five days away and felt the shin splint raring up in the first couple of minutes. And to be honest I just felt yuck all round, body was aching and it was just really unpleasant. I cursed inwardly and walked half an hour instead, and even that felt out of kilter. I really think I need to lose some body mass first so that I'm not causing myself so much strain 😒

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