Thursday 22 September 2022

I Sold Some Plants!

Ok, so it was at a knockdown price and took two months, but today I sold seven potted Begonias to a lady who was over the moon to have some instant colour for her back courtyard. Now I, too, am insanely pleased to have that little bit of cash in my hand. I have put it straight into my food money for next week.

Neighbours #8 have given me a little pot of African Daisies, they're lovely. I have put them into a larger pot with a little trailing vine, and parked them in the sunshine. Hopefully they make it through the winter ok.

I'm a little bit annoyed at having a day off AND all the shops are shut though. I have yarn to return for a refund since I bought more appropriate colours for the baby blanket I'm making. I can hear hymns coming from someone's tv outside. I have decided not to watch the funeral. I didn't know her, and there are enough mourners invested already, I don't think she'd have minded me not watching.

Speaking of the blanket, it's looking nice, although my cacky wrist doesn't cooperate for more than an hour a day. That's what I get for probably breaking several bones years ago 😁 I overdid it the first night I was making it and then couldn't figure out what I had done to my hand. I am not the brightest woman on the planet!

Set off for my long walk but no, my ankle has decided it would prefer not to, not today, thank you. Sigh. On the upside, I found a couple of windfall apples outside the fence of a neighbour, and they are lovely. One eaten, one in my fruit bowl. If I am feeling brave I might use my broom to reach a few more later this evening. Or even (gasp) sneak into the yard - it's a church, so I'm not convinced they will mind someone collecting apples off the ground anyway.

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