Sunday 25 September 2022

Vile Illness

I was forced to actually miss a day of work yesterday, thanks to being incredibly snotty and cough-y. It also meant a trip to the supermarket for cold medicines. And from the state of me, it looks like I'll be missing another day tomorrow. Unimpressed.

Had myself a pork steak for dinner last night, which I haven't done for about a year (see what shopping in budget supermarket finds you?). I couldn't really taste it, mind you, but here we are. I also had the "delicious" potato salad with it, again, which I couldn't taste. Planning to eat flavourless toast this afternoon just to top off the food enjoyment 😂

18 degrees in my flat right now and I am stubbornly refusing to turn on the heating. This is Not Fun. But it's reality now, I suppose, with how much power is going to cost us all.

Currently contemplating the merits of a walk...

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