Thursday 1 September 2022

New DilEmma

Our resident halfwit has outshone herself, booking and arranging the surveyor but not giving a shit whether tenants knew he was coming. She just fired out a single email as notice. And of course, some didn't know, being old/vulnerable/non-internet. When asked about it, Dilemma just said they should all have received an email from her office telling them to be home.

I've let Mr Nice Surveyor in to three flats and made sure another two are ok for his visit, but Jeebus, we pay HER to manage the block, and I shouldn't have to do it. When I called Owner2A to let him know his flat was done, he expressed annoyance that Dilemma constantly asks HIM to organise things. Sigh.

Now at 4kg down and feeling good. I'm in the habit of drinking those weird diet shakes instead of lunch when I'm at work, and thankfully, I now have a good routine as far as timing my meals, so I don't get shaky. I've noticed that although those shakes don't make me feel full in any way, they do keep me going for another four hours of work + an hour at the gym. So that's quite a good thing.

I spent a good part of work on the shop floor yesterday, then walked 80min at the gym, so 18,000 steps yesterday! I'm certainly feeling it today as my legs are really tired, even had to raise them half-way through the night. Down another kg though so this will all pay off. My resting heart rate is down to 60bpm which is great. I feel good and the numbers show it.

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