Thursday 9 February 2023


Today I went to the food club for the first time. I arrived right on time (I was worried that I might have to queue). To my surprise, I was their very first customer, ever. I paid my £5 joining fee up front.

The people were incredibly welcoming, they gave me a tip on a council payment that I might qualify for, and to my absolute surprise, told me that the food is mostly funded by the council (so not, as I thought, all from donations). I felt slightly better about that, but it was still an odd experience, and one lady was intent on following me around carrying the basket, to "help"... which made me so self-conscious that I completely forgot a couple of things I'd really been hoping to get.

Even so, what they gave me for such a small amount of money was wonderful. This whole lot was £5 (although the eggs are free because they were donated by a local supermarket - I picked up one pack and he told me to take three).

Guess who had scrambled eggs for dinner? 😁

The "kick myself" was that I should have picked up some baked beans and tuna, since I have a half a bag of potatoes here at home. You'd think I would remember that around the time where I said "no thank you, I've got potatoes at home" but I'm blaming helpy-lady for being so attentive that I lost my brain.

Very pleased right now. I told them I didn't think I'd need to come next week; but we'll see.

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