Sunday 10 September 2023

Doing Something For...

In an effort not to be completely rudderless, and because the nesting instinct has kicked in, each day I'm attempting to do something for myself, something for the house, something for baby and something for money. Right now my bedsheets are in the washer and I'm reminded all over again how glad I am to have a washing machine. The "something for myself" will hopefully be me doing some more kitchen tidying and preparing a meal or three. Money, well, I have optimistically opened my top-priority folder, which contains my top 10 survey & offer websites to earn cash from (I usually run out of steam half-way, but it's something). For baby, I haven't decided yet, maybe look at more baby names and shake my head a hundred times!

I stupidly went to the Big Supermarket yesterday and spent £25. Well, I had a £5 voucher, but anyway. I need to reign this in, she says, while slurping on her fizzy drink. I bought some peanuts and crisps as there's going to be a Garden Soirée during the week with Owner #8, neighbour #2a and new neighbour #3, and one must have snacks... on the other hand, I will be chilling some assorted useless alcohol from my cupboard and gifting it to anyone who wants it. I also gave my car a fancy car wash this week, which was a waste of time, as it didn't get rid of everything anyway. And then the birds had a huge laugh at me and messed it all up again. This week, before the service, I'm going to do a cheap wash (maybe two cheap washes) then park it on the street away from the trees!

Good: I sorted my cupboards a bit and discovered weight loss shakes I'd forgotten about. Obviously I can't go on a diet right now, but I can sure mix a half scoop into a milkshake and use it up bit by bit. I made a large, lovely decaf coffee, toffee & vanilla concoction, drank it and promptly fell asleep...

Watching: documentaries on Netflix and YouTube. Some of them are cool stuff, some are "How could this have happened to people?" - type. One was a movie I cried through because some people are just such kind souls. 💗 It's called The Bank of Dave and I recommend it.

Off to play the silly bingo game for a bit longer!

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