Sunday 3 September 2023

Mixed Newses

I went for my growth scan at the hospital - all looks good with baby and she is an ok size, small but no panic just yet. They estimate she now weighs about 1kg. 😊 I had a meeting with the consultant afterwards, and he is not concerned about her placement just yet (breech). He told me to do lots of walking and we'll see if we need to shove her around later on.

He also listened to me, really listened, about the previous doc railroading towards very large amounts of medical intervention. He said that I have to consider my own health and recovery as well (bingo!). Right now the plan is to try to get things started at 38 weeks and I'm reasonably happy with that. We just have to hope that baby cooperates.

Boss of #2 job did my risk assessment and was very kind, also scolding me for not telling him during my interview 😂 I mean, his heart's in the right place but the reality is, not all managers are fair like he is and they still often discriminate (they just don't say it out loud - you merely don't get the job and don't get told why). He might have a permanent replacement and if this person is a go, I'll have them on-site with me for my last two days. I hope so, because I'd like to show them how to set themselves up for a relaxing role. 😁

I'm giving myself a time-out from surveys for a few days in the hope that a rest period will make me more enthused once I need to actually earn enough from them. I will drop in income next month and further drop in the two months following that (thank you, Universal Credit, for your "poverty month" of waiting five weeks for first payment). So right now I'm not putting any leftover cash onto credit card debt - I am paying the minimums and building up a bit of survival cash so that I can ensure essential bills are paid on time. Despite the survival cash plan, I'll still have to earn a fair chunk myself to keep afloat. There's already £30 in my PayPal to start with, from various games and surveys.

Plus point: less driving will save me money. 👍

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