Friday 22 September 2023


So today I needed to go and get two new tyres fitted... a slight stress-moment in the car park at home as I felt and heard that familiar "one brake is locked!" situation, that growly, gravel-popping, dragging sound as one tyre fails to spin. And this time after only six days undriven! Suffice to say I was very relieved when it released as I did my three-point turn. Being "good", I went to Food Club to make use of the trip, then popped into work, where I returned about £25 of wool that I absolutely do not need, and came out with £26 worth of stuff I do need, so I was very pleased with that one-pound purchase. (Had a lovely natter with Good Boss while I was there, too, so that's a bonus.)

Then I decided to "just buy milk and cheese" from the supermarket and unfortunately it's next to Rival Bargain Shop, which I knew had the child-sized hangers I need. There goes £15, thanks to the silly mistake of Just Having A Look Around. And did I stick to the two grocery items in the supermarket? No I did not. Another £25 spent. So all up, I spent £46. I never learn! At least a couple of items were yellow-stickered. Points for that.

I sliced up my first tomato yesterday and had it on a cheese toastie - it was beyond delicious. (Even so, I grew so few and they arrived so late in the season, I don't think I will plant any next year. Not enough sun in the back garden.)

Paid: £10 from PureProfile

Supper: tomato soup with crusty tiger bread from Food Club 😋

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