Tuesday 28 November 2023

Hello World!

Little X and I are getting to know one another. That's a phrase I never would have used with my first two - I think like most young people I viewed the newborn stage as a whirlwind to endure, a hell time of sleeplessness and misery that you just somehow hope to emerge from in the end.

But this time? It's been entirely different. Whether that's down to knowledge, experience or just age, this time I know what she's communicating to me and I have more than enough patience. We've had a couple of feeding and sleeping challenges (to be expected) but honestly she is a typical baby, and she is also lovely 😍

Today I have felt organised enough to try a reusable nappy for the first time. Disposables have been a good choice for our first week at home, especially since they were given to me free by Food Club, but I'm hoping to only need them for outings from here on. Incidentally the reusables seem a much better fit! 

It's a good thing I was given all her newborn clothes for free. She's too big for them and is in the next size up - which I also have tons of. People in this world are good and have given all the clothes she needs.

I had yet another episode of outgrowing my bra... this is the fifth time for those playing along at home... to the point where I couldn't even wear my latest one. Beyond ridiculous, and to be frank, completely shit while trying to establish breastfeeding. But being unable to drive plus really not in a fit state to bus it, meant no real options. Well you know what they say, necessity is the mother of invention, so my crafty self cut an old bra and made an extender. It's not a perfect solution but it's a damned improvement on none 😁

I'm almost through my stash of ready meals and I've apparently timed it well, as I'm feeling more human and able to cook or even walk to the shops. The plan is to empty one freezer for defrosting. Let's see how that goes.

Currently waiting for Universal Credit to get their shit together, watch this space. 

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Slight Blogging Delays

Apologies for the posting delays on my blogging entries this week. I've been a tiny bit busy. This is little X and me, about half an hour after she arrived via a very rushed and dramatic roof hatch hustle.

I'm the one on the left. 

I'm feeling fairly good and just need to behave myself while I heal from my surgery. So far it's been easier than expected, and my biggest issue is not having enough hours in the day! 

Back soon x

Friday 17 November 2023

Best Things

Trigger warning: emojis.

A pregnant woman's
perfect accessory.
What's the best thing to do while you wait for a baby to arrive? Sanding, scrubbing and painting. Just kidding, I don't recommend it, but the wall is now primed and this is an enormous improvement from its awful patchwork mess. It's creamy white with pink streaks showing through now.

I also took advantage of work's special staff discount day, and didn't really buy much at all, about £30 worth. It doesn't make sense to stock up on things that will take more than 3-4 months to use, when that money would be more effective tackling the interest on my debts. But I did get to spend a bit of time with Good Boss and even Mogwai, who is a whole different kiddo, well-respected and actually Getting Shit Done™. It's heartening to see.

Mine looks like this one, but
patterned, and think smaller.
Also: think uglier.
I wasn't able to find a decent single armchair for sitting with kidlet, but I did find a tiny two-seater sofa which isn't much bigger. Obviously I paid over the odds for it 😒 but delivery was a flat fee for three items, so I also bought a storage wardrobe, for storing lots of crap. They are happily in place and I'm very pleased (although I have sacrificed space in general, to hide more clutter).

Still waiting for direct debit payments to come out, so that I know they are working in my burner account before I switch. Speaking of payments, yesterday my Universal Credit advance arrived, £360 😲 much to my shock. I have put it to work, some on bills, and the rest plonked onto my poison-ivy credit card. I felt really accomplished. 😊 

Then UC made a new appointment at a different town, one full of hills and empty of all parking, for right when baby arrives, at the time that I'm busy with, you know, being a post-natal mess and not sleeping. I told the work coach that walking miles with a (probably) two-day-old newborn is a problem. He's now made it three days later. I'm clearly dealing with an idiot. Oh how I have missed the joy of dealing with the benefits shit-show. 😂

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Long, Long Ago

...I used to buy supermarket gift cards online at a discount. That website is long gone now, but this week, MoneySavingExpert told me to check my employer's rewards programme in case I can buy certain gift vouchers online. So I did. And I can, at a 7% discount, which is not shabby at all!

Unfortunately it has limited options but I can buy a physical card for one "discounter" supermarket that's local. It breaks even on just over £20 worth for the first purchase (£1.50 yearly fee), but if I wait until my C-word bonus goes in this week and spend the lot, I'll be getting a saving and spending "free money" to do it. Plan sorted. 👍

The new direct debits are still not showing in my new account. Ho hum. I know it takes a few days but I need them to appear so I can do my £175 switch. Patience.

Baby has been a bit of a monkey this week but I've been checked over and she seems fine. Just a waiting game now. £25 forked out for a weekly parking permit at the hospital, since I have to be there at least three times this week for more scans and monitoring. Stupid Universal Credit invited me to an in-person interview which lands right on top of an appointment, too. I've told them, but we will see whether they try to argue!

Monday 13 November 2023

Money Is Really Hard

Never mind the
old pound coins.
And I don't mean having enough of it... I mean getting the brain around what's happening with all my accounts and bills. I have changed payment arrangements so many times that it was all a mess, so I just went through, deleted lots of them, and set some up afresh. From next month it should happily get paid automagically.

Assuming the money exists to pay it 😁

I'm not panicking just yet, I think I'm ok for another month and I can get a wiggle on doing surveys. I'll give those moved direct debits time to shift over and then I'll do my new bank account switch for my next £175. The account I'll be disposing of is a new one, which has never been used, so the only thing on it are three new direct debits for bills (a condition of the bank switch bonus). I should receive the payment by C-word.

Slept like utter crap again (for the third time this week) and am feeling rather worn out in general. I am actively avoiding much meal prep as my freezer space is full. So for this week, I have some easy dinner ingredients like cheese & onion rolls, quiche, prepared salads etc, all from the supermarket.

I figured out one of baby's C-word presents, so that's one thing checked off! 🎁

Saturday 11 November 2023

Time Really Flies

...when you're, er, not doing much of anything at all?

I didn't get the role I applied for in the next store, but that's ok, the timing wasn't great anyway.

I went to Food Club again today, with the mindset that I might not get a chance to go next week. I only did a small shop. I also got a couple of bits and pieces from Fave Supermarket across the road. When I got home to unpack it, I realised I really have too much food in my house (so much of it is still in my shopping bags...). No danger of starving to death this side of C-word.

Speaking of which, I bought myself some soft cheese which I'm not allowed to eat yet. I also bought some yummy foods that I like, but which I will save until C-word. Then there's the tree... which I have wickedly already put up. In my defence, I might not have time to do it if I wait. Must figure out what to get baby for C-word. I have one small very minor item, but the thing is, she won't know what's happening that day and there's nothing I expect her to really need. 💁 Maybe I'll wrap something for myself instead and "ask" her to give it to me 😁

Need to get myself together to do the other bank switch before I run out of time. Lots of weird feelings going on so I do not know if something is happening or whether it's just me being old and close to term 😁

I applied for Universal Credit as yesterday was my last maternity payment. The questions are useless... I had to send a long written journal entry on my real situation. Then I applied for a £300 advance. It was apparently approved, to be paid mid-December. I closed it in annoyance and did a "benefits calculator" on another site and the end result was: no entitlement, too much income. Well that was a nice waste of time, I will "enjoy" my high income of stuff-all, until baby arrives? Or... something. More pushing money around in a circle as usual 😁

Thursday 9 November 2023

Chow Time

Work get-together for dinner happened this week, the food was quite nice, company ok, but not the really great evening I'd been hoping for. Still, I was a bit social, that counts, right? Even if I did fork out £20. Was just a little strange that quite a few of my colleagues walked past me without saying hello. Poppet and I had been talking about that but then she did point out that we also didn't go say hello to them, either. Poppet's wisdom saves the day. I was also really grateful to be sitting with her, since half my "besties" were nowhere near and didn't seem particularly interested to chat. Best remind myself that work is work and life goes on. Big boss and good boss were cheery and happy to see me, that's something. 

Disappointing appointment with the midwife as Little Miss does not look at all ready to move! No problems to report, though.

My bank £175 switching payment has arrived already 😲 much faster than expected but good to see! I'm moving some direct debits around over the next few days and preparing to do my next switch.

Good Girl: I made three meals at once tonight and two are in my fridge. "Good" is relative because I really haven't cooked properly for a week. But here we are.

I keep forgetting to note the payments I receive from my surveys!

Saturday 4 November 2023

Check, Check, Check

✔ hospital bag finished

✔ checklist done for last minute baby stuffs

✔ car seat and pram in car ready

✔ kidlet corner finished and set up, moses basket ready, nappy changing station sorted

✔ large amounts of scented "fabric refresher" in use on somewhat unfragrant shampooed carpet

✔ bathroom cleaned

✔ kitchen mopped and mat washed

✔ surprise tax refund from job #2 of £20. Yes thanks, considering bills this week were tight

...and I must admit there's a sort of relief for most of these, although there are still random piles of "stuff" in my living space which I really don't have a place for, which is frustrating. Those, plus the necessary things (including my exercise ball, for the moment) take up pretty much the entire space. Ideally I need a second wardrobe for storage, which is money I shouldn't really spend - even if I do find one second-hand. We shall see.

Midwife did indeed brush off the baby's weight gain. She has also acknowledged that the current "negotiated" Plan of Attack™ by the hospital is too-little-too-late to actually meet my wants and needs, so she has added some things in to (cross fingers) try to get things going sooner rather than later. This is absolutely the best I could hope for, so, here's hoping.

Currently eating pineapple, which is supposed to be a good idea. Spendy: a small tripod for my phone (£3).

How to save money: Know vaguely that your windows are a huge heat loss area (last year you bought that small radiator to put right there, under your knees, because it was colder than the rest of the flat). Notice (during the huge storm this week) that your curtains are moving, and realise that the wind is coming through their probably-craptastic seals. Go to the Screwfix website (other hardware sites are available) and find a great price on a roll of replacement self-adhesive rubber window seals. Pat self on the back as you place it in your cart, then think, hey, I should just quickly check that I'll be able to fit this. Climb up on your pc desk (irresponsibly, since you're nine months pregnant) and yes, you can feel the wind coming in, an alarming amount of it. Open window, examine frame, think "yes", then latch it, and discover in annoyance that the stupid thing is able to be locked "shut" while open half an inch. Pulled properly, it closes just fine. Ditto on the other window. Smack forehead at own idiocy.

Trash your shopping cart, having spent nothing.

Thursday 2 November 2023

What To Do

My blood glucose test has come back as "normal". What the heck am I supposed to do now? 😂 I mean, I'm sure my midwife will shrug it off, but I'm not convinced I'm not at least pre-pre-diabetic (I felt like garbage for most of the day after that test, which I blame on the long fast). I've decided to at least try to even out my eating and avoid snacking so much. It's only for a few weeks. I got some "more sensible" hospital food today from the shop (protein bars, rice crackers, strawberry milk with no added sugar). Picking up some free freezer bricks from a kind lady tomorrow, to keep everything cold in my cooler bag. 

Got my hair cut, one more thing ticked off and £12 out of my purse.

I have been way too slack in getting surveys done. I am so tired of them right now and I run out of steam really quickly. You'd think that a look at my internet banking would cure me of that.

Maybe I'll go look at it again now, to improve the motivation!

Switchy Switcheroo: I've switched (during my banking switch) from a year of free Disney+ to 6 free movie tickets. I saw on a website by accident that they get posted to you up front and therefore you get the whole benefit even if you then switch away a week later (this is a better deal than the online Disney+ access going poof the moment I move on). The website where I saw this is called Be Clever With Your Cash which also happens to have a great weekly podcast. I recommend you check it out. ✔

Carpet finally all cleaned, so is the rug (draped over chairs in an attempt to dry everything out). Hoping tomorrow to actually put the furniture where it all belongs and get my bag packed for hospital.