Friday 31 May 2019

Off the Wagon

So I spent almost a week eating approximately my entire body weight, and only attended the gym twice. Poor effort all round.

Somehow I gained nothing. I don't understand, but I'm not complaining.

It will, however, make it tough to beat my distance record. That will teach me to be lazy. I did six miles yesterday as penance!

I'm still getting by on my remaining coins, and even so, the rapidly-dwindling amount in the bank is alarming. All I really need is a job that pays me to stay home and do nothing - is that too much to ask?

Estate Agent is being very annoying and took three weeks to list my caravan for sale. Total communication was one PDF proof document that contained incorrect information about the van, then silence. Does it take three weeks to paste photos into a PDF and write three paragraphs of info? I then asked what was going on (they didn't bother to reply to my email) and the ad appeared the next day. The van is overpriced on the agent's recommendation, and I fully expect a big fat zero in enquiries, so I'll give it two more weeks then get the price dropped.

I'm beginning to come to grips with just how tight my budget is and wishing I had the space for my own treadmill again, to save from paying gym fees. And in general I'd like to have a slightly larger living space. I am usually content in my little box, but there is no flexibility whatsoever on possessions or furniture, which is sometimes annoying. This leads me to wistful property website trawling where I dream of all the properties I'm going to own in future!!

Monday 27 May 2019

Mechanic Booked

And I do hope that it's not an expensive repair, since my budget is zero...

Despite explaining to my supervisor why I can't take extra shifts, he is still asking me to cover more hours, which is frustrating and annoying. I was almost glad that Pugsley is unwell, as it gave me a good reason to say that I can't. If the worst comes to the worst and he can't be driven on Wednesday, I'll be walking one hour each way to my main job as it is. If the car is repaired in time, I still don't think it's ok expecting me to work until 2am on a pitiful wage.

An unexpected expense is in my future - my Australian passport will need renewing, as apparently I will not be legally allowed to travel there on my British one. This is really frustrating, as the cost is big enough that without a significant increase in earnings, my trip to Australia simply will not happen this year.

A little bit down in the dumps this week, eating and sleeping a lot out of boredom. It's a side-effect of not needing to wake up early along with me taking stock of my budget. I have put the Vanguard investment on hold for the moment. Another job would be useful plus probably boost my mood, and a change is as good as a holiday, so I have applied for a few and let's hope I get some replies.

Payday is coming soon and I know I'll go through the following emotions: YAY it's payday - PHEW the bank account is over four figures - UGH I only have four figures - UGH I am spending more than I earn - UGH it will dwindle fast.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Bad Behaviour

The weight loss is getting harder (or maybe I'm becoming lazier). I find myself maniacally craving carbs, which is very annoying when there isn't really snack food in the house. Twice in a row last week I went and bought a "meal deal" because I was desperate for a sandwich - how ridiculous is my life lmao?!

So I stupidly walked into the bread section today to get half a loaf, and came away with these, which while great value, are not very low-carb diet-friendly. As punishment, the caramel-choc hot cross buns are not delicious. But anyway, I've put the donuts in the freezer and the buns will be my daily afternoon snacks.

I also might have already eaten three biscuits today... and a pot noodle... and not had either proper breakfast or lunch...

I'm noticing a few niggles health-wise which are probably down to the very low calories, which I've been following a bit longer than I probably should. It's frustrating because I am not yet at my goal weight, but this might force me to take a week or two off. I'll think about it.

I added an extra item today in the shopping which was totally non-essential - caramel sauce for £1.40. As further punishment, I was £1.35 short of paying the whole lot in cash and had to whip out the card. Still, I lasted quite a while (and there are some more coins at home).

Sunday 19 May 2019

Click, click

My increased credit limit has finally shown up on my credit report and my rating is now back up to the magnificent rating of "fair". I will save the confetti for another time.

Free sandwiches, quiche and a sausage roll from work. Also the last digestive biscuit in the packet. Thank you, Freebie Fairy.

I have been given some extra shifts from work, mostly 1 or 1.5 hours at a time. This will probably tip me back over the cut-off for Universal Credit. Those extra shifts, I will lose most of in top-up UC and taxes. I end up working for £2 an hour PLUS I am paying fuel to get there... I have made the very-irritating decision that I will now decline all extra work from this employer. I can't afford to go backwards to accept extra work, these tiny shifts always at different locations. No wonder some people are unable to accept jobs altogether.

One of my colleagues gave notice this week for reasons beyond her control. Between she and I, we were covering almost all their open shifts and sick calls, and that's coming to a screaming halt all at once. I predict a very bad week for management but I'm not going to allow myself to feel guilty. Yes, they pay me, but I've done them a lot of last-minute favours. I am a little bit annoyed that for two months I have been unknowingly doing that for free, but that's not their fault. Even so, it stops now. I will do my contracted work and nothing else. Look at me, finally getting tough?

Ideally I would get another job of shifts at least four hours at a time. I am applying for a few. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Extra Fruit

I went in to Asda for my shopping and happened on three of these little pots. Normally I steer clear because even a reduced price isn't particularly cheap, but at 10p, that's a decent change of pace from all the mandarins and pears in my crisper :)

My Zenni glasses order ended up more expensive than expected, but still great value. I've been told I should now be wearing glasses to drive, and it's a different prescription to my new reading prescription, meaning I need separate glasses for each purpose. I ended up choosing one pair each of prescription sunglasses and clear non-reflective night glasses, and one pair for the PC. It all came to £31 including the postage, which is less than a single pair of the cheapest ones that Boots sells... Yes, I am taking a small risk that I might have made a mistake inputting my prescriptions on that site. But even if I have to get them made four times, I have still spent less!

I have come to the end of my extra temporary work. I think. I am struggling for motivation with my regular workplaces, too. It seems that I am getting bored of my job (who'd have thunk it?) so I really should get myself into gear in finding something more challenging.

Spendy McSpenderson foolishly went boredom-shopping on the way home from the optometrist. Plus side was four discounted tins of soup from the pound shop. Plus-minus was a small travel iron from a charity shop. I didn't find the actual things I wanted (some kind of small, interesting, framed print for the wall, or any curtains in a colour I liked).

This week's meals: Diced chicken breast with courgettes and mixed peppers, in gravy. Two pots of it is still in my fridge and I will be making a barbecue beef casserole to eat for another four days.

Free: Netflix binge continues whenever I'm at the gym (thank you to the lovely friend who continues to let me use their account). I am currently watching The Bridge (Swedish/Danish) and it's brilliant.

Saturday 11 May 2019


Spendy McSpenderson strikes again. I was running out of the whey protein that I bought, which is proof, I say, that it's a habit I will stick to. I found a company which sells it for a cheaper price than ASDA and it is even cheaper than buying eggs. But my dog, this company is a lesson in poor customer service. It has taken me four days to manage to put the order through and the company has been completely unhelpful.

TopCashBack* currently gives a pretty good offer for them which was the reason I went with this company above other similar prices online. Unfortunately the protein company's payment system failed by multiple channels and devices and their customer service was so unbelievably terrible that I am not even going to mention that company's name. I can't recommend a company that has nothing to offer except to blame me, and which will not even offer to arrange my cashback if the order is done by phone. Boooo. Shit quality work right there.

So to recap: Shit protein company is shit.
TopCashBack* is still awesome though and once the order was actually sorted out, the cashback appeared in my account within minutes. They really should teach the protein company how to internet and how to customer.

To my absolute surprise it looks as if I might get a part payment from Universal Credit this month. I have an advance loan from them so they might still take my whole amount as a repayment, but that's ok. I struggle a bit getting my head around the idea that my income is low enough to qualify. I didn't even particularly want to apply, but nowadays it is the only way to find out if you can get housing assistance (which came back as a small discount on my council tax).

Work has given me a few extra shifts with a client that is owed some time. I don't particularly like this workplace but I just get on with it. I applied for another few jobs and one of them is keen to meet me - food service again - time for a bit of variety, fingers crossed.

On track for another treadmill medal this month, and a higher target than the last one :)

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Upcoming Spend

£10 on an eye test at Boots next week, which will no doubt be followed by ordering two pairs of glasses from Zenni (this is not a referral link, I just think they are brilliant). I have put off this test for so long, trying to delay as long as possible because new glasses are always highly annoying, not to mention, they cost money. But it's getting to the point that it needs to be addressed, sigh. What is this ageing malarkey, I don't think I signed up for it!

I finally conceded defeat, by the way, while painting my nails and realising I couldn't do the clean-up with my glasses ON... grrrr. Well, at least painting your own nails is cheap.

Silly spend: reed diffuser for £4. Basically a bottle of smelly liquid with some sticks in it. What can I say, I like a home that smells nice. Guilty as charged.

Win: I reached payout on Prolific* and cashed out £20. This is far and away the best survey site out there because they are not actually surveys, they are scientific studies, generally by masters and doctorate students doing their theses for university. You are NEVER screened out, so every single one you get invited to, you already qualify - your time is never wasted unlike most survey sites. And it pays better than anything else out there. A typical survey will take between 2 and 20 minutes, always shows you the hourly pay rate, and generally beats minimum wage - not huge amounts of course for a short survey, but if you check the site twice a day you're quite likely to reach payout in a month, and it all helps.

Freebies: Sandwiches from workplace #1 (I just pretended I didn't know how many calories were in them). Donut from a kind lady at temporary extra workplace. Donuts are in no way, shape or form an appropriate part of a weight-loss diet, much less a very low calorie one. But I was sort of disciplined and it replaced the carbs in my dinner. I mean, one cannot say no to free food. ;)

(*=referral links)

Sunday 5 May 2019

General Badassery

Completely unrelated to being frugal... today I will write about my New Body Regime™.

I always have an alarm set every day. Once I am up, I try to chill for a bit with milky coffee and social media, because brain does not function in the first hour.

Breakfast is muesli with added bran, a very small portion in a very small bowl, and I have it with 1/3 of a cup of protein shake and milk (this is not a diet shake, it's me increasing my protein intake).

Lunch is salad, no dressing. It contains at least carrot batons, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and some kind of fruit. Then some beans, broccoli, mange tout or something else green.

In the afternoon I have some kind of 100 calorie snack (muesli bar, cake or a couple of biscuits).

Dinner is protein and more vegetables - a casserole, or chicken curry, or an omelette and veggies, and maybe with an added protein shake. There's coffee all day... not oodles of it, but always with oodles of milk :)

8-10 hours per week on a treadmill walking. It's my chill out time, Netflix and shutting out the world. I love it - and that's someone who has hated exercise all her life!

Total intake per day is about 800-1000 calories. So this is what's called VLC (very low calorie) and is also low-carb - I mostly avoid bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. I take vitamins every day, plus omega-3, calcium and glucosamine.

I am dropping about 2-3kg per week (4-7lb). My job gives me the flexibility to do all that treadmill time. I enjoy it and this arrangement works for me. As I'm low carb, I don't feel hungry or shaky. But it's not a balanced diet when the calories are this low (hence all the pill-popping) and once I reach my goal weight I will increase the food I eat.

Friday 3 May 2019

Kitchen Madness

I hope you haven't fallen for it.

I see a lot of different workplaces in my travels, mostly office environments, and in many of these places the resident staff are the ones tasked with buying the products for cleaning the kitchens.

The usual number of cleaning products in a kitchen is 4 or 5, and there's a huge propensity towards anything labelled anti-bacterial. Which tells me that a lot of people fall for this.

What if I told you that people developing these products start with an idea, not a product? Say, this one - "Shoppers are scared of germs!" and THEN they create a brand new product that didn't even exist, that you will think you need? "Hey, let's make something new that is anti-bacterial, people will think they need it!"

Next thing you know, we have anti-bacterial varieties of kitchen wipes, kitchen sponges, kitchen scourers, kitchen cloths, kitchen deodoriser, fridge cleaner and kitchen spray. And people think they're needed.

Massive Myth: That everything needs to be sterile.
No, you do not need to kill every microbe on every surface, and in fact, you can't. Even hospitals don't manage this. The most basic way to keep your home safe from dangerous germs is to clean up two things: debris and YOUR HANDS.

If you have basic food hygiene knowledge, your kitchen will not breed dangerous levels of bacteria or pests. This basically means don't drip raw meat juice over everything, and clean up all spills and crumbs straight away. Then wash your hands with ordinary soap. Not anti-bac soap even. Just whatever hand soap.

Your kitchen benchtop is like a table - it's not a surface you should aim to prepare food directly on. This means, if you spill coffee powder, or some crumbs, it is no big deal to simply wipe it with a wet cloth and rinse the cloth. If it's something that goes "off" at room temperature, like milk, sauces or, yes, raw meat, then just hit it with a simple kitchen cleaner spray and wipe that off. In that case you'd throw the wet cloth into your washing basket, of course, not have it sitting there for later on. If you think you need anti-bacterial, you do not. Pop into your local pound shop and get yourself a single bottle of "multi purpose cleaner" concentrate. Fill a spray bottle with cold water then add a capful. Done.

Why don't I need anti-bacterial magical cleaning products in my home?
Microbes only become a big problem if they are left with food to eat, at a temperature that helps them grow to large numbers. If you leave raw chicken juice on your kitchen counter overnight, it's a nice warm environment out of the fridge and the bacteria will breed in the chicken juice and multiply. If you then place your breakfast plate in the bacteria soup the next morning, then pick that up and get the bacteria soup all over your hands, then shove those in your mouth, well you might get rather unwell. But if you wipe up that juice, and clean the surface to remove the rest, then the few bacteria in that juice will not have anywhere to multiply all night and become dangerous. Then your plate has nothing to collect and your hands aren't bathed in gribblies.

Same goes with crumbs. If you don't leave them around for creatures to eat, then they don't attract creatures which crawl all over your benches eating them! (Logic right?)

As for cleaning your sink after you wash up? Forget the magical new products and just use your kitchen scourer with some dish detergent. There's also a marvellous product called creme cleanser if you really can't shift marks like tea stains. It's that yellow thick liquid that has tiny grains of sand in it and goes by the brand name Cif (Jif). And the generic version works just as well.

Kitchen floor? One mop bucket, half a bucket of hot water, then add a cap of that generic all purpose cleaner. Mop the floor. Sorted. And just like your bench, if you spill something, wipe it up.

So why are the shops full of these specialist kitchen cleaning products?
For the same reason the shops are full of every other kind of junk. Because people buy them and companies spend money to convince you to buy them.

I, on the other hand, will not get rich telling you this!

But I do have some snake oil for you to buy...