Wednesday 16 October 2019

Better Luck Next Time

As expected I didn't get the job. Oh well. Have applied for a few others - hours at my work have dropped further and worse still, management have their financial year figures back and now constantly talk about cutting hours back even further. Customer service is starting to suffer - tips are falling and people are beginning to complain. Management are removing perks one by one in the name of austerity, and we're having to insist on getting our employee entitlements. Morale is on the floor and more than half the staff are looking for work elsewhere. My favourite co-worker leaves at the end of the week and I no longer dare to ask for free food. Nobody wants to be part of a sinking ship, I guess. What a change from a few months ago...

Have a monster cold right now to the point where I've come home from work early. When you can't concentrate and you're worried about making everyone ill, being around people is the wrong place to be. I wish the person I caught this from had thought the same.

Ahhh the Newton's Cradle. I swing from one extreme to the other, feeling relieved that I have the van money in the bank, then feeling annoyed that I can't do all the things I want, like paying people back and visiting Australia and replacing my car and also having a home loan deposit and legal fees. Which then leads me to indecision and it sits there. I already know I have to pay my parents back first, and if I'm honest with myself the frustration is in knowing that once I do that, I won't be willing to book a trip as it would wipe out the remainder.

Looking forward to going to a meditation group this week!

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