Friday 25 October 2019

Leaden Feet

Current work is sort of dragging because I just want it over. Customers are being really lovely and buying me drinks ♥ one tried to take me on a date and one has tried to buy me thigh-high red leather boots several times, very kind but no thanks to that one! The two people I do like the look of don't even look in my direction, of course. One of the two was writing a note for my coworker today on the bar, and Boots Man started joking that I was too slow to serve people, so I said he needed to wait because I was busy getting Note Man's phone number. Note Man just laughed and said "Thanks, sweetie..." yeah I just got friend zoned big time there buahaha.

Big Boss asked why I was going and why others have left too. People want more stable hours, but we also had no actual manager, leading to people bullying other staff, intimidating younger employees, not pulling their weight, being unsuited to their jobs, irritating customers etc etc. The Big Boss has asked me to put it all into writing. I'm also going to teach New Kid a bit of office politics.

Food today was one piece of toast, a pear, and a (free) chicken salad which I couldn't really eat. I'm struggling to eat anything at all lately and I have to force food down. I know it's the reason the weight is dropping so fast, at first it was that I was ill on top of being incredibly unhappy, but now even when my mood improves, it's tough to get out of starvation mode. I don't even feel shaky, which is odd considering I have such an active job. This accidental crash diet is very effective, so I'm not complaining. I'm loading up on vitamins.

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