Sunday 13 October 2019

Rally Car Sounds

So I had a bit of a hiccup with my car, Pugsley, not long ago. On the way home I noticed he was a little louder than usual. By the next day he had a deep, rumbly, molasses growl. Honestly, it was beautiful, but it was so out of character for a Peugeot 107 that it was far too distracting just to enjoy it :D

Fortunately my lovely mechanic saw to him within a day, to a total cost of £160. Pugsley is now sporting a brand new muffler assembly. The best part was the mechanic remarking that it had sounded really great before he fixed it, just like a rally car - which made me laugh.

All things considered this is still an incredibly reliable car that's very cheap to run. It's eleven years old and it has come WAY under budget for expected repairs. It's also been very well looked-after. But I think I'm going to sell him after Christmas. He's done exactly as asked, but I'm now itchy for something with a little bit more power. Obviously I am looking at cars way over what I should be spending...

Received my cheque for the caravan. Feels a bit odd!

Work has cut hours and is constantly talking about cutting more - which I am seeing, as some staff get no shifts at all. I interviewed elsewhere for another position slightly above what I'm doing now. The interview most decidedly did not go well. It was even someone I knew and I still struggled to articulate the important points (and I spent far too long worrying about whether I was speaking too fast for her to take notes). Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.


  1. Hate to suggest it now, but a muffler bandage would have cost about $10 if it was just a hole in the exhaust. Wrap it around when cool, start the engine and it 'welds' over the hole.

    1. It was rusted through and disconnected, it's been reclipped before.
