Thursday 31 October 2019

Semi Zen

So I've been to meditation class again and this time the teacher quite lost me in the middle. I still feel more relaxed after the two guided meditations she did, but the teaching in between went on a fair bit about states of the mind and Buddhist teachings, which for someone unfamiliar, was a bit tough to grasp.

It's made me want to learn more about just meditation. I want a more pure relaxation mindset. I identify really strongly with the concept that our suffering is from within and from our reactions to the external - and that if we can learn to let go of stressful thoughts we will feel better within ourselves. I want that. And given how much better I feel even just relaxing for an hour and trying not to think about stressful things, I would like to find another group to share that with once I move towns. My current group has a different teacher next week so I'll still go again.

I have contacted a few people about rooms to rent. I don't really want to deal with all the utilities and costs involved with taking on a flat of my own. I think I'll need to put my own furniture into storage as the rooms to let all seem to be furnished. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Always believed that Stress = Indecision !
    Keep making the 'baby steps' which are just that - decisions.
    They might not be the immediate answers to each problem, but knowing that you've commenced action dilutes stress.
    Think of why meditation works - one makes the decision to NOT stress for an hour or so.
