Monday 28 October 2019

Swings and Roundabouts

I coffee'd my laptop this week, quite possibly the most devastating thing that could happen to me, not even joking. That 24 hours of not knowing if it would ever turn on again was really sad, and the relief as I reassembled all the internal screws and the thing turned on... I suspect people will laugh, but really, one person had the right reaction to express, "My whole life is in my computer" and I've never related to something so much.

Thekeyboard is acting up of coursewith some very stickykeys, especially the space bar,which is annoying, but notnearly as annoying as losing your entiresocial life.

I went looking on Bookface and discovered an entire group just for people wanting friends in my soon-to-be town. They invite randoms out for a drink or go on walks without hidden agendas. It sounds nice. I love being outdoors, but my own company gets pretty boring.

I'm struggling to get motivated to do the adulting things that need action, like finding a place to move to. Old Workmates have agreed we should catch up socially, which would be lovely. I do hope they follow through. I have a bad habit of believing people are my friends and not getting the hints that they aren't, and they don't want to actually be around me :(

Spent: £8.00 on a screwdriver set small enough to disassemble laptop.
Also, 23p on 8 bananas which I will never eat in time, but I had to buy all 8 to get the special price... ugh ASDA why do you force single people to waste food?

Looking forward to meditation group again. It really improved my mood last time.

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