Saturday 14 December 2019

I Dared

After many excuses over a long period of time, I went out and behaved as a semi-social being for an evening. I chatted with several new people (slow clap for me) and have tenative plans to keep in contact with a couple of them, so, who knows?

Obviously, I ran out of confidence fairly quickly, and I made it an early night. But still, it's a start, right?

The next step is to be so scared, that I make excuses for so long, that new people forget that I exist... not really ideal, but it'll take effort on my part not to just stay a hermit.

Observation: I have very few clothing options for "going out" which won't result in hypothermia.

Observation #2: Walking back up "Heartbreak Hill" on the way home was incredibly uncomfortable and left me completely out of breath, and I still feel horrible half an hour later... Yes, I do still have the last dregs of a chest cold, but I really need to regain some fitness.

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