Sunday 22 December 2019

Sun Rotation Complete

I survived another one... a few extra grey hairs and wrinkles! And a few lovely gifts from people. :)

I also had the "joy" of my benefits application being completely cancelled due to "not providing evidence". Nobody in either the phone centre or the job centre is actually sure which evidence I didn't provide. They eventually collected evidence that I still study, still have a home, still exist and still have a bank account. Last month I earned £2 too much to get anything and what's the bet this happens again and all the paperwork gets cancelled in mid-January again without warning...

YES it's a great system. YES it's a good use of taxpayer money to have me sit there for half an hour while they click things, apologise to me and curse at the screen in confusion. Yes. Cough.

I have been turning on the blow heater when the wind outside is howling, and I sure felt the sting of the power costs this week. My meter is coin-operated (don't get me started) and before, I was mostly just annoyed at having to find coins for it. Now I'm annoyed that my radiator turns off during the day. Oh well. I will have to rug up and be less of a sooky baby.

Six of these bad boys!
I'm trying to be more active with earning money online, but it's a trap hahaha - some sites can easily keep you busy all day and only hand over a pittance as the reward. Time to get more selective methinks and stick to the best ones!

Recieved: £4.55 from Crowdology.
Also, my recycled coffee cups arrived from rCup :)
And 8 free organic flavoured teas from Pukka.

Ooh, and I found a free way to enter a regular raffle - well free as in "send a postcard" entry. So not quite free, but definitely cheaper than buying the ticket. I have ordered a 30-pack of cheap postcards off eBay and will knuckle down and start entering this way, and try to keep my hand off the expensive tickets!

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