Me, who earned £10.00 from a fifty-minute study today on Prolific --->
Also me, who won a £7 Amazon voucher from a competition.
I also got my first Testable Minds survey which paid $6.00. Can't complain about the amount, that's for sure! I've only just joined, and it's supposed to be similar to Prolific. I don't really know how this site will go activity-wise, but I have high hopes.
I finally bit the bullet and reduced my credit access. The banks are understandably surprised - "You do understand that this card isn't costing you anything because you aren't using it? And you still want to close the account?" Uhuh.
The card that I kept, which I use for my everyday spending, has a horrific balance this month. Moving house is expensive. I won't have any problem covering it, it's just a sobering total to look at (more than double my usual monthly spend). I'll just keep reminding myself that life is going to be cheaper than it used to be!
Got a gift voucher from work, lovely surprise! :)
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