Big mistake. Why did I even bother? The whole store was in varying states of "stripped", for example the fruit aisle with absolutely nothing that wasn't exotic or pre-packaged. I found one lonely bag of pears in the wrong place, and put them into my trolley. There was no UHT milk so I now have a couple of coconut and almond ones for my cupboard. I couldn't get the normal tuna so I have two large tins. The large coffee tins weren't there. At this point I gave up on actual items I wanted - the irritating thing is that these were all things that I normally have at home but since I moved house I've used them up. And now they've been stripped out by stockpilers, grrrr.

As I handed him a 4-pack, my son asked me what to do if it's yuck. I told him he's welcome to throw it out, since it works out free. I wouldn't describe the flavour as quite "yuck". I would describe it as "Soda water with a hint of fruit flavour and overall a taste that I'll drink but which I would not choose to buy at its regular price". Which is not bad for free.
I have some cheese and some frozen hamburger buns for the patties, and I got several jars of free pasta sauce during the week so I can use it for the vegan mince. There's still some pasta in my cupboard, fortunately. The vegan products worked out to cost only 75p each so if they taste ok that makes them an absolute bargain. And if they don't, well they were still worth trying at that price.
Bad: bought son and I takeaway lunch. £9.00.
Mood: two weeks' worth of supplies here.
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