Tuesday 10 March 2020

Enforced Meal Planning

This is me, of late. It's not entirely a bad thing. I have quite the #firstworldproblem in that I sometimes struggle to either store or use up all my food. So of necessity I need to keep evaluating what needs using up first before it ends up in the bin. Even while feeding son 3-4 nights a week, I'm still on a knife edge of wasting food... case in point, I brought home five punnets of cherry tomatoes a few days ago and tonight I had to sort through them to discard the ones already too soft to eat. I mean, I love cherry tomatoes but a girl has her limits!

We did share a yummy dinner during the week, of sausages, onion gravy, potatoes, baby corn, green beans and baby carrots, plus mango for dessert, which is not bad when you consider that every single item was free. (I paid for a bottle of Coke. I think such extravagance is allowed when your meal is free.)

More and more properties are appearing online (yay!) but none are in my price range (boo). I only have a few days left to decide on the finance and whether to go ahead - if I don't, it will be months before I'll qualify again, but obviously I'd rather not be stuck with repayments for a loan that I'm not using. Decisions, decisions.

Mood: will it ever stop raining?

Spent: £13 on Bohnanza, which is a simple but addictive little card game that we thought the board game group might like. It should arrive in a week or two.

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