Saturday 28 March 2020

I Am Tired. Coronavirus #9

It doesn't make for a very interesting post, but this is where we are.

Today was my 11th day working in a row and I have three more to go before I get a day off (one day off only).

At this point I remind myself that I am very grateful to have work at the supermarket. They are also paying me a bonus pay rate which was unexpected. The hotel will be officially furloughing me which is very much appreciated as I'll get a part payment while they are closed.

Today a customer kept trying to stand too close to others, who eventually shouted at him to get back after he ignored them twice. He then complained that I was "standing around chatting to customers" and that four staff inside were "messing about with boxes" and why didn't we open another queue since everyone had to wait? Unfortunately this idiot didn't seem to have any understanding of why he had waited in a queue outside, why people were keeping 2m apart, why I was dressed in hi-vis and marshalling the queue to enforce spacing and control how many people entered the store, and nor did he have any concept that the staff were unloading a delivery onto shelves as fast as they could so he could actually buy something, nor did he realise we couldn't open the extra till as it was too close to the tills beside it.

He got a polite mouthful off me which resulted in applause from people patiently waiting in the queue. As he stormed off I thanked him for coming.

There's always one...

I have ordered UNO from eBay for son and I to play and to stave off boredom for another hour. (£2.60)

They're supplying us with breakfast cereal and bread for toast, and drinks, and we are all making each other endless cups of coffee. As they say, we are all in this together, and every little helps ♥

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