Monday 16 March 2020

Drink Corona Beer

No virus included.
Drink Corona.
Coronavirus hype is absolutely everywhere. It's even ruining Corona beer's business because aparently there are morons who think you catch the illness from beer. People are such idiots.

The hype in general has been building gradually over the last couple of weeks - we sold out of toilet roll temporarily in early March for a week, although people have mostly stopped panic buying. For now. Anyway, it's weirdly becoming less theoretical and more real. I am fairly philosophical in that I am very likely to get it eventually, so I haven't really worried too much before now, but even so I am using hand gel after "some" customers. I know it exposes my prejudices but some of them are absolutely filthy and clearly have something not right, based on the state of their hands 😟 And some are clearly ill, and don't seem to see any issue with coughing into their hands then handing cash to me 😟 Then you get the customers who hand me soap and start asking if it's soap, as if they don't quite know what soap is... did we need a pandemic for people to learn about washing hands?

If I didn't have to earn the money, I'd only be visiting a supermarket once a week. Sadly most customers do not seem to care about limiting their visits.

I do have two weeks' worth of most of the things I need, but I'm going to cave in and buy some long life milk.

The card game arrived and son & I played a round to make sure we remembered all the rules. Only it seems like the rules have changed. We quickly realised that a couple of the changes make the game virtually unplayable with two people - so we have adopted a blend of old & new rules as our house rules and the second game went smoothly. We'll take it with us to board game night this week :)

Good: two brand new cash-for-receipts programmes and two new cashback programs for groceries, which include prize draws. Check them out if you're in the UK. I got cashback on one item today already and that makes it free. Not a bad price!

Free: more cake, pasta sauce, fruit, bread, crisps (£2.98)

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