Thursday 18 February 2021


The original plan was to get the walls all done and the carpet replaced and have a removalist cart over my stuff from the storage unit, all in thirty days. Well dear reader I have ten days left, and the walls aren't even stripped yet. Even if we imagine that I can somehow perform a miracle then somehow book a carpet fitter in time and then a removalist for the very last day, I doubt I would manage to empty my temporary room in time, in between working full-time.

I've generally been disgusted at myself and resigned myself to going without new carpet for the moment. After all, once I move my bed and wardrobe and shelves and washing machine and and and, it's all in the way of the carpet fitters.

But I think I've come up with an interim plan. I own a blow-up mattress and my desk and chair are here with me already. I think I'm going to move in with my suitcases, finish the walls when I can, then get the carpet sorted and then book the removalist to bring the furniture in. There will be no time constraints then. It'll be like camping! It'll be fun!

This is not the look of happiness.
This is the insanity just before I crack.

By my calculations I will need six trips to clear out my old flat. Of course if I were more organised it could be done in three, but this is me we're talking about and schedules are a joke.

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