Friday 26 February 2021


1. I still have Too.Much.Stuff. Once I finish moving in, I really want to start offloading some of it on eBay.

2. Wall #1 is stripped, sanded, washed and filled. It just needs the patches sanded and then I can prime it.

3. Bought and installed new bulbs in the wall fitting. Still no lights! Pulled it off the wall. The wiring has been intentionally disconnected and safely capped. My first reaction was to woot, since I don't want it in the first place. But it's not safe to fill over it and hide it, in case a future owner drills into it and dies. I can either buy a nice fitting and install that, or I can leave the little cap hanging out a small hole in the wall, and hang a nice picture over the top to hide it. I'm still deciding.

4. I am feeling kind of paralysed by indecision and struggling to figure out what to do next. I suppose the next move should be to set up my temporary bed and move my desk over. But once I do that, I won't be sleeping in the old place again, so the challenge will be to make myself come here to get the last of the packing and cleaning done... which is blechhh. I know that I'm hesitating because sleeping on a blow-up mattress in a construction site is unpleasant. Nobody in their right mind would want to hurry up with that 😁

5. Thinking about replacing my car this year. I don't know what I want instead and everything I might want is more than I want to pay. Boooo. Another one for the "too hard" basket.

Mood: everything is too hard.

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