Saturday 6 February 2021

Levels Of Yay

Managed to get the letterbox lock into place and working.

Fuse replaced - wall heating is working!

Switches and taps figured out - boiler and electric shower are both working!!

Began to remove wallpaper on partition walls - it's coming off easily, and almost intact!!! - and it's plaster BOARD underneath, not loose plaster !!!! and it's in absolutely brilliant condition, requiring no lining and almost zero tidy-up before painting !!!!!


Some days you appreciate a good dose of yays to balance out a melancholy from other things.

SO satisfying.

Just waiting for my interview now, which is now going to be with a distant store manager that nobody knows. I half want to withdraw from it, but I'll see it though, on the odd chance I say the right things or even just for the interview practice. I'm spending a good amount of time on doing extra work training, and I'm researching the likely questions I will need to answer. I definitely have more training, and here's hoping they ask a lot of behavioural and soft-skill questions, which would definitely be to my advantage.

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