Sunday 28 February 2021


As in, feel a bit like I've been run over by a vehicle (hopefully just a bicycle and thus survivable). Still packing the last items. Still struck by inertia most of the time. Still doing So.Much.Work.

I have been running the store along with Annoying Face for the past three days. Pictorial representation of how I find the warehouse each time I arrive:

If our warehouse were a bedroom.

I responded last night by making sure all the rubbish was taken outside, empty cages were cleared, random items put away, all the things I've seen drive supervisors to distraction. I feel a little bit bad for not doing my share of the physical work, because I seem to spend my shifts just tidying up, doing the legal work and "holding fort". Which is an interesting place to find myself in because I'm still finding my feet. Feels a bit like they left the work-experience kid in charge.

I wish I was more enthused about finishing my move!

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