Friday 24 December 2021

Absolutely Ideal

I come home and discover I've accidentally left the hot water system on. Great, I think, because I am exhausted and sore and this means I won't have to wait an hour for the water to heat up! So I start running my bath. And it's... stone cold. Water heater has died.

This led to me not hating today.
To be fair it is probably older than me but this is less than ideal. Nobody ever really wants to spend several hundred quid on a new system. I suppose they can at least install an energy-efficient one and put good insulation on it while they're at it. In late January, I expect. It's going to be weeks of wet cloths for me, and washing my hair in a bucket.

Work: Same. Tired, sore, bored, apprehensive about what they're going to throw at me in New Year. I just... fldfsdyjpht. Today my "project" didn't happen and I spent a lot of time working stock, but it was pleasant enough with people to chat to and an ok vibe as it's Christmas Eve.

I did an Olio pickup from Old Sister Store since I knew there would be a lot of food, and... there was a lot of food. Three bags of bread which will be ignored, 30 salads which will be ignored, a dozen ignorable sandwiches. But it did answer the question, which was, "What am I having for Christmas lunch?" and it turns out I'll be having a ham salad, chicken satay, meat pies, chili bean soup, and a cheese toastie. Or at the very least, that's what I can choose from. I also have a trifle (I can't not buy one of those), scotch eggs, pork pies, several kinds of cheese and crackers, several mini cakes, crisps, fruit, mince pies and chocolate. Also a bottle from work which was my Christmas thank you gift.

Currently watching: Labyrinth.

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