Saturday 4 December 2021

Actual Proper Dinner

Omelette, corn on the cob, green beans, radishes and sage & onion stuffing.

The only thing which was remotely in-date was the double cream that I threw into the omelette to use it up. Still, it's all tasty and perfectly edible. I only discovered that you can cook radishes this week. Not sure I would call them amazing but they count as a cooked vegetable and it's less food going into the bin (sadly about half were beyond salvation... but then again, they were free).

I'm off to do the Olio collection tonight as a one-off to cover for someone who usually does my old store. Will be nice to say hello to my old colleagues and fingers crossed I get some fruit and veg to fill up my fridge again, since it's now looking pretty bare.

Have spent some time rearranging my mountains of crap, ahem, my worldly belongings. I own too much stuff. I really need to figure out what isn't worth keeping!

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