Thursday 16 December 2021


I'm not even through my second week. I am bored, tired, irritated, in pain, and not enjoying this job in any way. The most irritating part of today was the fact that I forgot my watch, meaning I was not even able to clock-watch.

New boss promised me a project starting today, but new project did not start and I was given two enormous pallets of... pet food. Then the guy from pet food arrived, thanked me profusely and told me to leave the rest. Leaving me... aimless. Asking for something to do is a bad idea because it'll be heavy lifting. So I literally walked up and down each aisle tidying up and pulling cardboard off the shelf to flatten it into a trolley. I even mopped a dirty patch of floor, even though we have a cleaner.

I ate my lunch like a zombie, and went back later for a snack in the canteen just for something to do. It's open and there is nowhere quiet to sit. I'm entitled to my breaks, but when nobody else takes them, I look like I'm sitting about. Note to self: sit in the corner of my café after New Year, where nobody will see me except café staff.

The worst part is that I am pretty dang sure that this "new project" will involve 1 minute of scanning something with a device then 59 minutes of working stock (repeated ad nauseum). Still, that will be one extra minute of brain activation than I get right now.

Bring on January. I'm contemplating making my team deliberately short-staffed so that I am REQUIRED to be there to help in my own department and not anywhere else. I said I did not want a role where I'd be in a kitchen full-time; but I much prefer that to working stock on the shop floor!

Food for thought: I wonder if they'd be shocked if I quit? They're all very aware that I'm being treated like a shop-floor pleb. They probably realise I don't enjoy this work.

Related: How many years left until I can retire?

I should have stocked up on non-perishables while it's 20% off but I am just too OVER being in that building by the time my shift finally, finally ends...

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