Monday 7 March 2022

Insanity Is: This

I now have a third collection slot, this one is another evening collection, at a slightly bigger store. Yay! It's also at a shop I have never seen listed before. I don't know if it's usually any good, but I am hopeful, and if it turns out to be decent I can let the local morning slot go. Yes, I'm insane.

I am wondering whether it's socially acceptable to bring day-old pastries in to share in my new work.

Speaking of new work, I went in during the week for my third shift and learned that it was Employee Appreciation Day. What a lovely unexpected surprise. The staff room was decorated with banners and balloons, and a table was laid out with snacks, drinks and cakes for us. Currently enjoying my free Coke and have some crisps and sweets for the stash box 😁

Still don't know my schedule yet, which is a bit frustrating, because the market research invites are piling up. I just binned about 30 of them today as they'll no doubt be filled, but there's plenty more waiting as soon as I know when I'm free. BUT! By pure chance, Work Bestie and also another old colleague both came into my work today. I didn't really get a chance to chat (I'm not allowed to serve people I know) but we did say hi and it was a nice surprise.

Spendy McSpenderson here has splashed out 59p on a little lap desk thing with the beanbag underneath, for watching telly on my netbook while sat in bed. I've been using a cereal box for ages 😂 but I've nearly run out of my other cereal so I'll have to open the second box soon! I had £5 in Amazon credit from some survey site so I figured I might as well use it. I also broke one of my cheap plastic earrings and could I find any of the spares that I know I own? No. So I ordered a 20-pack off eBay for a couple of quid. No doubt I'll use one pair and then when those break I won't be able to find any of the 100 or so pairs in my possession 😁

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