Wednesday 30 March 2022

Underpayment Corrected

Faster than I expected, so top marks to my work. I am enjoying the weekly payday while it lasts (I think I will be switched to four-weekly any moment now). The scheduling software, however, is haywire, and right now I have no overtime lined up. But I have a market research interview set up for tomorrow for £50 so that will be a nice bonus.

I have ditched all food collections apart from my local and I'm even thinking of letting that one go. We will see.

On Telly: both Bridgerton and Sanditon releasing a Season 2 in the same week. I have obviously been indulging in both. Both have gaping holes without the major stars of the first series... Bridgerton doesn't even mention the missing Duke, and Sanditon just announced the main love interest dead and moved on as if nobody would notice or care. But they are still enough to keep me entertained, so there's that.

One of the directors in our building's company is refusing to contribute to its upkeep. Well, more accurately, he's just ignoring all requests and not responding to communication, just doesn't answer emails or phone calls, three weeks and counting. Sigh. It's slightly frustrating since I paid my bit by a credit card and have only just managed to get on top of that.

Happy thing: bunch of roses from Olio!

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