Wednesday 25 January 2023


This morning I've given my finances a tune-up. Coming to the end of a 0% offer, I've paid that out using the cheapest balance transfer offers that I have. I have also gone through all my cards and set them to pay the minimum each month automatically, so that any spare cash I have can be directed manually onto the most expensive card. 👌

I also checked my monthly expenses, and I will need to do ten hours of overtime each week to meet bills (or earn it through surveys, etc). This is possible at work in theory, but not guaranteed. I will get a small pay rise in April/May but I am looking at when my next transfer offers end (August) and I don't expect any new interest-free deals this year, so I'm applying for part-time cleaning jobs that would fit around my main role.

I'm feeling slightly organised now. And while I don't call the current situation comfortable (rather "survivable") there remains enough (expensive) credit in the tank to think about arranging my trip to Australia soon. I just need to figure out the dates and look at flights.

Frugal/McSpendy: I realised I had two vouchers for Big Supermarket so I drove over to spend them last night, but unfortunately they had less cash left on them than expected so it also cost me £23 in cash. Oh well. I got some food into the house, including a cheeky Chinese fakeaway. 😍 Next week I will try to spend my voucher for Old Favourite supermarket.

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