Friday 13 January 2023

The Salad Didn't Happen

So, remember my day off? I ended up taking my car to the body shop. In Really Bad News™ the rust is far more extensive than I realised, including an actual hole that I can't believe I didn't notice. In better news, at least it wasn't anything that was my fault. In Good News™ (hopefully) the repair, although more involved than I expected, is thought to be less expensive than I had feared.

I take it in on Tuesday for a full quote and I am crossing my fingers. If all goes to plan, £250 will sort the welding out and touch wood I can get the clutch done for another £400. All money that I absolutely do not have, but there is no other option than to sling it onto the lowest-rate credit card, because the bus/walk to work is killing me and beginning to affect my health (not to mention the misery of a 6-10 hour shift while thoroughly damp and with wet shoes and socks, nor the 3/4 hours lost in travel each day, or the expense of buying the bus tickets, or the state of my house after long days and coming home exhausted).

I didn't eat the salad, but I also didn't eat any crisps (I did eat six mini After Eights though). I kept the salads for work, and I've made four meals of egg fried rice with sriracha, which despite being simple is really nice. And it's frugal, too.

I've spent a few hours doing surveys today, not earned a huge amount but it all adds up. I also sorted out the programs I'm on and deleted a couple, and updated my Surveys list on this blog. Plus, I unsuccessfully tried to arrange a doctor's appointment, blood test and prescription (three fails) and have been told to get online tomorrow at 8am to chat with a doctor and he'll "decide" if I can have any of those things. What the hell happened to being allowed to make appointments?

Stabbity: The needle is very fine and doesn't hurt, but the medication stings like a bitch. 

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