Sunday 3 November 2019

Workplace Commenced, Habitation Secured

I've started my new job and feel like I have mental whiplash. None of it is rocket surgery, but there are so many, many things to remember, and when you've a memory like a sieve that isn't a great combination. I spent two days shadowing my colleagues and the first day I marvelled all day at the things I'd never think to inspect in a holiday let. The second day I was learning the way the cleaners actually clean, and I was continually wondering what to do next and then learning there was some tiny detail that gets done every single time... I felt a bit like I had no experience cleaning! haha.

I struggled not to just turn and stare out the windows, even though it was miserable weather. It really is the most extraordinary setting. Even in this cold weather, the flowers are blooming and the grass is green, the stone walled terraces are just lovely and everything is so well-tended. The trees are starting to turn and the coloured leaves are beginning to fall.

Speaking of views, I've been to see a bedsit and told them I would like to take it. It's even smaller than my current flat and I'll need to put some furniture into storage. But it's clean, quiet, incredible value, in a beautiful listed mansion, with a glorious garden, and more of those views to die for. I'm overlooking a lovely old church steeple and lots more gardens, with bird feeders, park benches and ornaments, among other things. I collect the keys this week.

Spent: £2.56 on a double cheeseburger and a coke... which I miraculously managed to get down, although it took me most of my one hour drive home to manage it.

Feeling a bit more positive this week. Mostly 6/10 and up. Unfortunately, someone has gotten too close to the side of my car and taken off the wing mirror and smashed the bracket. The sight of it just trashed my good mood. Heartbroken. What sort of person would do that and not leave a note?

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