Sunday 24 November 2019


I drag my heels on finishing the move. Somehow inertia has me glued into place. I'm struggling to brain on what to do in what order. The end result that I didn't achieve much this morning, so the plans for the afternoon are a hot bath and some job-hunting. It's something.

Snorkelling: not my activity of choice.
I'm putting small things into place to improve my health, both physically and socially. It's tough to find the confidence if I'm honest, but there's a particular activity that I think might work for me. Something that will get me out of the house, as well. I don't want to jinx it right now by saying what it is, but I've started gathering the things I need to get started. These aren't big spends, fortunately. And it's something to look forward to, which makes me feel more positive.

Mood: ok. Still ok. Less mopey today than yesterday :)

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