Wednesday 20 November 2019

Removalist Contacted

And I have a week to pack and generally organise myself. Which is realistically two days, because most of that time I won't actually be in Old Town. Unfortunately, the quote was hideous, so I've contacted some others.

Work is... well it's made me a bit frustrated. I don't think I can blame anyone for it, but the role isn't what I expected. The people are absolutely mint and I would genuinely miss one of them massively if I left, though. When I meet someone new and we just click, and they get me, it's a big deal to me. There are currently attempts to stop me from leaving.

Pictorial representation of me and my workmate.
The microphone to the ear shows that one of us doesn't know what they're doing.

I have attended the Job Centre for my benefits application. It turned out to be a longer appointment than expected, with more strict expectations of me and weekly appointments. That's ok, it was just a surprise (and the meetings will probably be quite a waste of government money to be honest) but hey ho. My first payment - which I expect to be £10 if I'm lucky - will be five weeks away. They also approved another loan, to my surprise, but I'm not about to turn it down. It can pay for the removalist.

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