Friday 22 November 2019

Sort of Adulting?

My laptop and desk are moved in so I think that means I've officially moved. It also means I don't really want to be in Old Town anymore, would much rather be here with my most treasured possession :D Happy.

Removalist booked. For a price that makes my eyes water, but still beats the previous quote by more than £100. Moving house is expensive and annoying. #notRecommended

Dinner is two boiled eggs out of my kettle and a tin of vegetable soup warmed up on my radiator... I really need to sort out bringing my microwave and my toaster oven here!

There's a church steeple outside my window and it has a rooster on top. It's a weather vane - I can't figure out whether it is actually still functional, so I'll have to keep an eye to see whether it actually turns in the wind - but in the meantime I was curious as to why a rooster was on top of a church. Apparently Pope Gregory I decreed it the symbol of Christianity somewhere around 590 AD. It represents the fact that Peter would deny Jesus three times "before the rooster crowed". It's known as the symbol of St Peter (even though this particular church is named for St John the Apostle and only dates back to 1823). Oh well. #nowyouknow

New place has heating included in the rent. It's not as warm as I would like... but on the plus side it looks like my electricity costs will be less than half.

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