Saturday 9 November 2019

Moving and Shaking

Well, not quite. I've given notice on my old flat but still need to book storage space and a removalist.

I booked a quote for my wing mirror but then had a brain fart and googled how difficult it was to replace - and it looks far too easy to be paying someone - so I've just bought the part for £18.77 off eBay and if I really can't fit it, I can go back to the body shop with the part in hand. I need to buy a socket set but I still figure I'll be in front. I also need to get some red auto spray paint, but I'm not too worried if it isn't a perfect colour match.

I went to meditation class again and quite liked the new teacher. It was the same concept as last week but she managed to speak in a way that didn't leave us all lost. She talked about sad feelings and how we can learn to manage the way we react to them - this definitely resonated, as she described the act of overthinking, playing out the same horrible memory over and over, or imagining something awful happening, or just beating ourselves up - meaning that we re-expose ourselves to the same sad feelings and amplify them. I'm sick to death of feeling hurt and sad and lonely and abandoned, but it doesn't help to blame others for my own reactions. My reactions are controlled only by me and I am wholly responsible for how I approach anything in life. It will be useful to get better at meditating and learning not to beat myself up quite so much.

I plan to stay over at my new place tonight. I'm sure that I'll spend half the time looking out my window at the amazing tree view.

(I need to spam the posts for a few days. I have too many saved ones written in advance so all my news will be a month behind real life if I don't.)

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