Saturday 30 November 2019

Cannot Even

I am one of those hypocrites who laughs at people posting status updates of "I cannot even". I'm a hypocrite because right now my get up and go has gotten up and gone. I have three days off work and it doesn't seem long enough, despite the fact that I'm already bored before I'm half-way through day one :D

Excuse: I have a cold, which seemed pretty harmless until it decided that my nose was boring and migrated to my throat, a location where it actually bloody hurts.

Achievements for today: finally getting hold of previous-previous council and getting them to move their arses on my council tax refund. Also advised water company that I have moved (not sure if they will still expect me to pay for November). Also applied for a few positions around town - there is really not very much out there aside from cleaners, bartenders and factory workers.

Fail for today: I called the previous council to find out about refund or amount still due on council tax, only to discover their system won't be working until 1pm (I am assuming someone didn't pay their internet bill).

More than 30 alarms so far
...and still going
Speaking of internet, when I checked my data usage for the month I saw that I can upgrade my phone and internet plan. For £2 extra, I would almost double my data and since they keep including my corporate discount from a previous life, I would actually be paying less...

Irritation: they're testing the fire alarm today in my house and it's really loud and seems to need testing at least eleventy dozen times.

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