Saturday 27 March 2021

Achieving As An Elitist

I've been reading articles lately about what income makes people happy, and what amount marks the limit of happiness - that is, there's a magical number, where even if you keep earning more than that, you don't get any happier. It turns out that it's a figure most of us will never earn, namely, around the £75,000 mark. But what I found most questionable is that nobody seems to have taken spending into account, only the earnings.

I'm quite sure it's possible to be financially miserable on £75,000 if you are frittering it all away to the point where you still struggle to pay the bills. By the same token, couldn't I be just as financially satisfied, with a quarter of that amount, if I don't spend money on a gas-guzzling monster of a vehicle, and in wasting things, in buying new outfits every week, and throwing half my groceries in the bin?

To me this says that some people in the western world can still reach peak financial happiness on far, far less.

Mr Money Mustache has another take on it. He claims that Mustachians - those of us who live deliberately frugally in order to work less - can consider themselves part of the elite if they just beat a lot of other people at things. I'm not talking about marathons or maths exams, but in how we consume and how we live. It sounds daunting as a number until you realise how obtainable so many things are. I can give you an example from my work - if you always take your own bag to the shop rather than buying one, you're probably beating half the humans around you. And if you then select even just one item in your shopping based on less packaging, you are probably in that elite 5%.

If you choose to go car-free, bam, top 5%. Even if you plan your car trips to avoid unnecessary travel, still top 10%. Or chose a really small car for the fuel savings, top 20%.

Do you walk your dog twice a day for 30 minutes? You're probably in the top 10% for fitness for your age.

I reckon I am in the top 1% for being frugal. Even in a workplace that gets me a lot of free food, many of my workmates don't have any interest. They don't even have interest in stuff that isn't expired, like tea bags with a crushed box or loo roll we no longer sell. So I get crazily excited when someone else shares my thinking. Poppet always takes the fruit home, Sassy always says yes to the leftover pastries, and Work Bestie and I get the most excited over ready meals 😁 which might also make us in the top 5% for being lazy at cooking!

So. What's your top-scoring elite thing?

Thursday 25 March 2021

More Beaming

It's a yay and nay and hey kind of week. We had an audit of the store to check how we're going - it was on my day off, thank goodness, because I am 100% convinced I would have um'd and ah'd and stumbled through all the important questions and not been able to answer them. However, Work Bestie was on shift and performed amazingly, to the point where we scored a brilliant result, showing that we're doing a pretty dang good job on the store overall. My little beaming moment was a particular question that all cashiers had to answer, because I personally taught them all the "correct" answer - helping them all understand a stock thing that quite frankly isn't relevant to their job and involves concepts behind processes they do not even do! - and yet, the cashier on duty correctly explained the procedure to the auditing officer and we got a gold star 🌟

The nay part is that we, as a leadership team, had some outstanding and incomplete stuff, which was probably me (no way to tell but I suspect it was). Still, we aren't in trouble, it's just listed as a thing we need to get on top of. The "hey" part is that I know how to avoid this in future and it involves intentional laziness. If I just bin all the expired food immediately, it will never crop up later asking whether it was donated or taken home by staff or eventually binned. I really don't like this on principal. So I've been doing the right thing, dividing it for charity donation or for staff, and it comes back to bite me by making more work later...

Dinner: Greek salad, sweet & smoky chicken (all free).

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Little Wins

I got everything done on shift yesterday... which should be "normal" but is a first for me. Boss Lady even sent me a message this morning congratulating me on a great job *beams*

I'm your captain now.
I mean, I did have an extra pair of hands for a couple of hours, but still. This is progress. I just need to manage this every day and I'll be golden. (Stand by, I'm sure tomorrow will be a disaster now that I've said it out loud.) What was interesting was that I shared with Poppet that I hadn't been achieving as much as I should, and her reaction was to declare that it's the cashiers' fault if the shop tasks aren't all finished by the end of the night. Bless her, she is lovely, and she isn't wrong, but it's still my responsibility to make sure they do it all! And I am so lucky to have their support. I just need to steer them all correctly.

Dinner: Piri Piri chicken, celery, spinach and rocket, potato salad (all free). Haribo Giant Strawbs for dessert 😁

Spent: £5.00 on the washing machine at my local Texaco.

Sunday 21 March 2021

The AF Saga

Boss and I had a long talk about Annoying Face and her trail of destruction, and her expertise on How To Lose Friends And Alienate People. It turns out that GrandBoss walked into the store recently unannounced while AF had the warehouse looking like a cyclone aftermath. GB was Not At All Happy. I do feel a bit sorry for AF. She might be a pain in the rear but nobody deserves that. We concluded that the Taz Devil behaviour had Punished Itself.

We also agreed that I would do the leadership coaching with AF. She appeared to basically understand my suggestions for things. And then in her file I see that there is a paper trail of bad behaviour from before her transfer. Facepalm. Neither of us think AF is ultimately a good fit but we can only hope she learns something and becomes less annoying. Me, I hope that someone else applies for the job and gets it.

I met my upstairs neighbours today and they are lovely!

Dinner: cheese and garlic stuffed mushrooms. Also lovely.

Free: Sausage rolls, hummus, tissues.

Post Script: I sat on this post for a week or so before posting, and then during the week we had to switch some shifts around due to a sick call. AF took an early morning shift. Work Bestie and Boss Lady walked into the building together three hours later to see the warehouse was yet again a disaster zone. I sat AF down to discuss store standards and she denies making these messes. And because I am not there to witness them, I can't argue back...

I really wish that I had all my proverbial shit together myself so I could actually go after this, but all I can do is encourage Work Bestie to give AF another lecture. In the meantime I have spoken to Buddy at Sister Store and am encouraging him to apply for the job that AF wants. I think absolutely everybody would prefer to have Buddy take the job, it's just a case of convincing him to apply!

Friday 19 March 2021

Four Down, Two To Go

Evening shifts at work, that is. I like doing the evening shift, in a way this is my comfort zone, but I'm definitely struggling to get all my tasks done. Boss and I had a sit-down-catch-up yesterday and I'm not doing great at my time management and task management. My people management is ace 👍 and she said that I have it the right way around because it's a combination which is fixable with practice. But I'm missing key stuff due to just running out of time and it's happening over and over 😞

So, armed with a solid new plan on how to get everything done last night, predictably it all went pear-shaped. All the stock was worked, I was ahead of schedule in my list, and with 90 minutes to go, all that I had left to do was start the coffee machine clean cycle, machine the floor and then straighten the shelves. So what happens, the local 15-year-old thugs decide to come and taunt us through the front door that they're going to rob the shop. I had to activate the door lock and panic alarm, phone the police, reassure customers everything was ok, speak to the shop owners next door, chat with the police in attendance, blahhhh.

My evening was not this cute.
By the time that was resolved, a work crew arrived to do a major machine installation, and I'm saying: hold on, the shop is still open for trading! Then I'm stuck doing their sign-in paperwork and issuing them work permits. I try to start the coffee machine cycle and it just crashes over and over. And next thing I know the workmen have started unpacking tools all over the shop and barricading things off, and by that point I'd completely run out of fucks for the evening and just let them do it. My manager walked back in a minute later... 

Bless her, within five minutes she was straightening the shelves for me then starting the floor cleaner up.

All I can do is try again tonight. But with only one co-worker, who has to work the till, sigh. Oh well, can't be helped.

At least I got three pink donuts to take home!

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Handy Unblocker Tool

 ...was today used for unblocking my vacuum cleaner, which had wallpaper stuck in the head. #value

I achieved a nice, washed, filled wall this weekend, ready to be sanded and primed. I even managed to get the floor hoovered, and while it's not "clean" it certainly has a whole lot less debris on it now.

The bathroom sink has been a trial. Whoever installed it needs a slap. Thank goodness I own plumber's tape...

Heater company has finally gotten back to me about getting the heater exchanged, and to my surprise has just told me to bin the old one once the new one arrives. It seems a waste to bin a £100 heater and not be able to replace the circuit board though, not gunna lie 😔

I have enjoyed my three-day break, which is a good thing, because my next weekend is "split". Frustrating, but not much I can do about it.

Saturday 13 March 2021

Plot Twist

Today I met a landlord in the building. He seems like a Very Useful Person To Know. Problems in this building have lately been repaired very slowly and at great expense (this was clear even before I bought the flat). The management company is slow, uncooperative and plain incompetent. 

My flat's lease is only 83 years long. This scares potential buyers, as lenders often refuse to lend on short leases. The usual scenario is that you pay to get a new 999-year lease (around £10k for me) which would make my flat worth at least 15k more. So that was the plan in a few years' time, before I sell.

But it turns out the other owners are banding together to buy the building's freehold. This allows us to control the maintenance and repairs. Owning a share of the freehold would make my new lease cheaper, too. So I told him I'm very interested in being a part of that.

This fellow-owner told me not to give the current freeholder any money. There's a £40 fee for late payment, but they just approved a £15,000 quote for sealing one hole and fitting three fire doors (!!!!). It's cheaper just to take the fine while we wait for the freehold to be in our hands, then get proper quotes ourselves. I was keeping roof-repair money ready to pay, but guess who knocked a big whack off her loan this morning? I can get access to it again within a few days, so, here's to a few months of paying less interest.

Brunch: croissant, cheese twist, and watermelon and mango slices (free). Dinner is going to be a pepperoni pizza which some lovely customer flung into the freezer instead of back in the fridge. Thanks a lot, that's no longer fit for sale. But it certainly doesn't scare me off 😁

Friday 12 March 2021

Where Am I?

Playing Fallout Shelter (free) and very much looking forward to my weekend, which thanks to an interesting rota shift, will be three days of bliss. It's even been an ok-week, since I had my first aid training online today and that meant I stayed home to do it - it was mentally taxing, but it's still nice to have a change.

I've been sort of cranky about my built-up Amazon gift card credit, sitting there unused because eBay is usually cheaper. But I've finally run through the last of my PayPal cash, so I decided to spend the Amazon credit. Well dear reader I went a bit silly and bought lots of items. None of them are truly frivolous purchases, at least. I've been taking a lunchbox to work and realised that grownups are allowed to have a lunch bag. What a revelation 😂 and I shall post a picture when my very-adult purple unicorn bag arrives...

Also bought a hair-straightener, as my Covid 'do is looking rather shabby. Plus there's a sink unblocker tool (probably not going to work, but worth a try). I also bought a digital room thermometer, confirming my suspicion that the fancy new heater's thermostat telling me it's 24 degrees is a lie. And a stapler as I'm getting annoyed at all the filling-up of "non-reusable" vacuum cleaner bags - I shall cut them, empty them and reseal them. 

Said weekend involves plans to clear the aforementioned bathroom sink (almost completely blocked, will probably need disassembly) and hopefully, muster up the motivation to get another wall moving forwards.

Also about the heater: Its wifi isn't working, a feature that I paid extra for. Their support team has offered a £50 refund, but because the heater has a standby mode rather than just turning "on" when you switch it on at the wall, I can't control it with a simple £10 plug timer, making it less functional for me than a £50 "dumb" heater. I've reached out to them, but if I can't make it work then the heater is going back. How sad that half price still isn't a good deal... but there we have it, sometimes that's life.

Sunday 7 March 2021

What's Goin' On

Owzitgarn champions, what's goin' on?

Here's what's going on for me. I'm doing ok in my new role. I'm starting to feel comfortable in the basics. I still have to concentrate really, really hard at my time management - which is not relaxing - but I'm getting there. There are still things I do slowly, poorly, or not at all. But boss and I are both in agreement that Rome wasn't built in a day. And it is clear that I have Been Discussed™ with the GrandBoss, who visited and was very friendly. I also had my annual performance review this week for the past year and managed "exceed" for all metrics. Booyah. 

Boss Lady has given us a list of improvements for the store, and we need the cooperation of the checkout staff. They don't help you out if they don't like you, and they don't do things unasked unless they respect their supervisor. So if AF doesn't learn to actually lead those staff instead of being a jerk to them, and learn to Pick Up Her Own Crap, being a hard worker will stop being good enough. Watch this space.

Done: finished sanding the first wall, and it has been primed. Although it's white and you can see brushstrokes, it does give a feel for how things will look. It's a much cleaner look than the wallpaper. I only have a one-day weekend, and honestly I'm a bit stiff and sore from work, so two hours of wall-work was all the energy I had to spare. Maybe next weekend...

Free: a huge bin bag of small crisps past their best-before date. I've actually been packing a lunchbox since I got this new job because I rarely take a lunch break - I just eat while I'm doing other things like filling in reports or checking my work emails. The plus side is getting paid for the lunch breaks I don't take 😊

Also free: pasta salad, melon slices, vine tomatoes, roast vegies tray, beef joint, easter egg, insane amounts of pastries.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Killing Me

Annoying Face is killing me. Every time I walk into the warehouse, it's another marvel to behold, and not in a good way. Last night, one of my lovely checkout assistants, Poppet, took one look at it and made a comment about Taz the Tasmanian Devil. You know, run in at top speed, destroy everything and run off again. She then spent an entire hour with me in there doing nothing but restacking things, cleaning up and picking stock up off the floor, bless her heart.

Work Bestie walked in today after 8 hours of AF in charge and found it back in the same state as yesterday. He is fed up. A person should have a basic expectation that they can walk to the bathroom door, the office, the lift. Not have to play slalom with cages, trolleys and boxes of stock on the floor. The floor is lava. Nothing should be stored on the floor. And yet... obstacle course ensues.

It extends to important objects, with pricing scanners, mini printers and important keys cannily hidden amongst the debris, along with multiple coffee mugs. Everywhere you look is something half-finished or dumped. Eight (count 'em) leaking products thrown in the sink. A dozen damaged cold products left out of the fridge all day, meaning staff can no longer take them home to eat.

I was already aware that AF exists in her own world and barely talks to people, but I am only just learning, first hand, how difficult it makes life for the supervisor taking over. I am now in an awkward position because AF has asked for advice on how to improve. Boss lady has told me to be honest. But how can I possibly explain to AF that her problem is a complete lack of awareness of others?

Ehhh. Today's freebies were rice crackers, broccoli, bananas, kiwifruit and avocados. Dinner is a 30p glass of coke to wash down my free pepperoni pizza. Just call me the last of the big spenders :)

Tuesday 2 March 2021

February Extra Earnings

Shopprize £5.00

TopCashBack £49.95

Prolific Academic £5.05

SnapMyEats £10.00 (Amazon)

As you can imagine there has been a lot going on of late. I finally got my laptop and desk set up at the new place, but there are bags and boxes everywhere in here, shredded wallpaper on the floor and general mess and plaster dust on every surface. Plus, I've officially stepped into my new role, which is quite the learning curve.

Monday 1 March 2021

Propped Up

Not this kind
  of penguin. 
Me. Against the wall. Sitting up in my blow-up bed. Fully clothed and too achy to move. I'm actually too lazy to even set up my desk and laptop! Ladies and gentlemen we have a new measure of exhaustion. 

But I am here, moved in, and over the moon. I have managed to get the fridge and freezer sorted and tomorrow I will try to tackle the mountain of stuff. 

(the next day) 

How did I sleep, you ask? Like a penguin. And by this I mean on an iceberg. Why did I think the blow up mattress is comfy? It is not. Well rested, buahahaha no! Boo.

Current mood: omg I've got too much stuff.

Goal for today: get warm. Clean and sort out the kitchen. Possibly tidy up the first wall for primer. Definitely look at the mountains of shredded wallpaper everywhere and wonder anew what I was thinking 😂