Tuesday 22 February 2022

A Light Shower and a Breeze

Storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklin have all hit us over the course of the past week. Verdict: One liberated electrical cupboard door, one neighbour with a piece of our scaffolding in his living room. Fortunately nobody was hurt, fortunately for us the scaffolding company is paying for the repair, and fortunately for the neighbour there's a roofer currently in the neighbourhood 😁 the same one which will be paying for our electrical door to be repaired, since it was them who left it ajar to be caught by the wind...

Honestly, I know Eunice was a 30-year storm and bigger than usual but every single time a storm comes along, people are surprised when trampolines fly across town, recycling bins go on a self-guided tour and outdoor chairs visit the neighbour's car windscreen. 

Went for my interview at Bargain Shop, I think it went well. Had an absolutely fantastic natter with the deputy manager (well over an hour) and we got along like a house on fire. I just have to hope that he wasn't put off too much by me being a manager-y type or being candid about why I left the last two roles. We shall see.

Collection from Big Sister Store this morning: Honestly, I should have known that morning collections suck, and I shouldn't have gone. I drove too far for three boxes of bakery. Having said that, it included my two fave pastries (my breakfast) and the absolutely delicious olive bread that I just had for lunch. Lesson learned overall, I won't be doing morning collections in future!

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