Saturday 12 February 2022

Way Overdue: Survey Master List Update

I realised how out-of-date my Survey Master List was, so I've just spent some time updating it. You can see it in all its goodness here with info on how you can cash out, which ones offer PayPal, and which ones are the best paying. Since I am now spending half my days on doing surveys at home for cash, and coming close to supporting myself this way, you'd think I would have sorted that out a bit sooner 😁 but hey ho better late than never. Also, I discovered one that I'd forgotten about. Yay?

There are a couple of other bits and pieces I'm trying out too in my quest to monetise my side hustle (I think that's what the young folk call it these days) including a couple of phone apps that offer mystery shopping opportunities. So far I've been offered for browsing a technology shop, going to a car wash and photographing chocolate displays at a supermarket. Unfortunately none of them are (yet) a great fit for me in terms of locality but I'm trying to be patient for some closer to home.

Universal Credit appointment was terribly routine, she's a nice lady and didn't expect any miracles, so there's that. She has offered me job coaching help, which is ridiculous but which I said yes to because otherwise I look uncooperative. She has also noted that the job coach will help "fix" my CV, kind words from someone who hasn't seen it, but hey. I can nod through his advice then mentally shelve it.

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