Sunday 20 February 2022


Not with money, but with food (which tbh doesn't sound great). But hey, if you find yourself in need of sixteen leeks and fourteen packs of spring onions, hit me up. Fortunately I also got some veggie sausages (the good ones), some pesto pasta, spiced potatoes and the usual bread-type glut. I bought milk, and have an ad-hoc morning pickup from Big Sister Store during the week, so I can probably skip the supermarket for another week. Frighteningly, I am running out of crisps and chocolate, last bought in bulk from Hell Supermarket in mid-December. This might be a cause of evening stress, since I'm now in the habit of munching something while watching Britbox in bed. Last night I tried taking grapes instead. I am not sure if it's an acceptable substitute though because I gave up on telly and went to sleep to catch up on a lack of zzzz.

Clown was running the shop last night (wtf), and has been running Big Sister Store (wtf) and was not at all surprised to hear that they have a hiring freeze because he is exhausted and now demands a case of beer for any favours 😂 He was earnestly telling me last night how he doesn't want to get a formal promotion, he prefers to be a standby so that he gets to call the shots on when he works. So, my message got through even if he thinks it was his idea 😂

He also says that some new manager named Softie is running Big Sister these days. Softie 😍 what a lovely man, he was the one who chose me over Annoying Face way back when, he one who said some people will progress and some won't, and then looked in AF's direction and rolled his eyes. The one who tried to get me to come out to work in the Nowheremäki store with him to help me progress, offering to be my mentor. So, if they would just end their hiring freeze I might reconsider my vow never to work at Big Sister Store.

Interview at Bargain Shop on Monday... annoying... hoping for a small contract if I really must go, to get Universal Credit off my back with their stupid meetings and extra coaches. 

Thank you, Benevolent Freecycle Lady.
Also! I am flush with Good Things™. A lovely Freecycler gave me two lamps, and I should have sorted one out ages ago, because lately I have sat by candlelight every evening with my Britbox. The candles smell divine but my allergies hate me. So, lamp is good. She also gave me a huge empty picture frame, which will be great for hiding my less-than-perfect walls.

Dinner: Salad of rocket, baby plum tomatoes, iceberg and mushrooms, plus roasted spiced potatoes. All free. I also had a small tin of tuna with some mayo and sriracha (not free... but since I can't remember how long they've been in my kitchen, let's call it free).

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