Monday 14 February 2022

The Quorn Meat Substitute Secret

Vast amounts of ketchup, sauce, gravy, mayonnaise, curry or any other strong seasoning. Basically anything that obliterates its original "flavour". You're welcome.

Yes, I am currently "enjoying" Quorn cocktail sausages for dinner. Honestly, before I armed myself with the barbecue sauce, there was more flavour in my plain, cold, leftover boiled potatoes than in these warmed-up sausagey... things.

For once, it was a really good collection. I listed more than 70 items for people to come and collect, but only got one person who wanted to come... it's honestly ridiculous when people are allegedly struggling for money. My neighbours took a few bits and pieces. I wish there was no stigma attached to accepting free food. This stuff would go in the bin anyway, people might as well.

Salad, mushrooms, croissants, Belgian buns, coleslaw, bread, peppers, new potatoes. Yes thanks. Not protein this week, but that's ok, I still have some in my freezer. There isn't really anything else I should need for at least a week, apart from milk. Feels good.

Got my last pay from Ugh-Supermarket and it was better than expected because clearly I had misjudged my owed holiday pay. This will keep me out of receiving any Universal Credit, which is good, since I'd rather not need it. I'm doing ok with the surveys, just have the occasional dose of the I-don't-wannas, which I knew would happen.

British Gas sent me an estimated bill which hurt, and I stupidly looked at my electric meter and did the maths. I wanted to see whether it's in my interests to correct them. Safe to say, it is not. BG say I'm on this tarriff until July, and since I would clearly owe them a substantial amount of moolah, I shall say nothing and continue to pay their estimates until the end of June. I'm currently using more than their estimate, but when it's warmer I expect to use less than their estimate. Touch wood I will catch up before the next price rise.

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